Online Music Buying Guides

If I have any options to review a product and/or service, you can bet that I will be utilizing every type(s) that I can get my hands on. It’s a whole new world out there. It’s amazing to think that we managed to live our lives without computers. At some point in the late 80’s we have become more and more reliant on what used to be referred to as the World Wide Web. I mean when is the last time you have even heard the words World Wide Web?

With all that the Internet has to offer almost all of us in the 21st century, it still surprises me that there are still some of our senior citizens who are bucking, kicking and screaming all the way to any computer who just can’t wrap their heads around even some of the most basic functions, even explaining all that they are missing by not using e-mail can’t entice some people to get on board.

My grandmother was a bit slow at getting used to the whole computer concept, but it didn’t take long once she starting realizing how useful it can be. One of the advantage that came into play during the holiday gift buying season. She actually took her time and checked out different acoustic guitars that she found at one of the major music websites that have just about anything that is musically related. It seems that a friend and neighbor told her about Musician’s Friend, which Grandma felt safe enough to go online, find a particular buying guide and actually ordered a wonderful guitar at a great price. Free shipping is always a plus when ordering anything online.

High Price Of Gas

Most of the gas stations near me have gasoline that is almost up to $2.00 a gallon, I use my Kroger card and get .10 a gallon off but it still takes me a good chunk of change to fill up my truck.

I was really hoping that I would not see gas prices getting this high and I can not understand why we can not get a break on the gas tax from the state. Even a few cents would make us feel better and make us look at the government with a little less hate. I hope gasoline drops soon, it is getting hard just to pay for the gas to get back and forth to work.

Post Holiday Blahs

Sorry, I haven’t been posting much since the Holidays. They went by so quickly but took so much time to prepare for. It doesn’t seem right that Christmas should be one day, or one morning actually. Seems we should have more time to relax, enjoy, and spend time with our families. It feels that the true meaning of Christmas has been lost in the hustle and bustle, of the finding the perfect gift, and preparing the perfect meal.

Christmas has changed so much in my lifetime. As a little girl, we’d go downtown and look at all the big department store windows. They would have mechanical displays that were simply adorable. Wish my kids could see what I saw.

Anyway, I am back and will be blogging more. Happy New Year Everyone!

The Meaning of the Season

Just a little more than a week until Christmas and the holiday season hustle and bustle in surely in full swing. It came to me today how much Christmas has changed in my lifetime and how commercial it’s all become.

It seems most families spend way too much money for items their friends and loved ones probably don’t really need. Weeks and months of shopping and preparation turns into a few minutes of present opening frenzy. My immediate family takes a laid back approach to the holidays and mostly just enjoy a nice meal and the time together. I’m also sentimental enough to believe that Christmas should be an attitude we have in our hearts all year.


Well the transmission went out on the truck. That really stinks. Transmissions cost a lot of money, unless you get one that is used. Of course, if you get one that is used, there is no telling how long it will last. If you know how, you can rebuild yours, but a lot of people don’t have that kind of skill. I have to do a lot of research today and see what I can find for a transmission. I may be able to find a re manufactured one. That is actually my best bet. It will still cost almost a thousand dollars though.

Chill in the air

It is in the mid 30’s this morning. It seems awfully early this year and it has me thinking about snow. We had a mild winter last year after multiple snow storms the year before. It has me wondering what is in store for us this winter. The year before last I purchased an Electric Snow Shovel so I feel a little more confident then if I only had a shovel. I have moved since then and I have a lot farther to drive to get out of my neighborhood. I always worry about not being able to get out to go to work. I hope my new neighborhood has a good snow contract with a dependable company. Oh well, I guess I will see whats to come, no use worrying ahead of time.

Roll On

Every morning as I return home from work I see people in such a rush to get to work or where ever they are going that they will almost run you off the road if you have the audacity to go the speed limit. God forbid you try to save money and drive less than the posted limit like I do some times, I am not a person who is in a hurry most of the time and I am getting very tired of getting the one finger salute as these jerks go by. Makes a girl want to carry a firearm with her sometimes. Good thing I do not own a firearm.

Yesterday, my sister and I were on our way to Wlamart when an 18 wheeler decided that she didn’t like us and tried to run us of the road. I was so upset that my sister called the cops and they said that they couldn’t do anything. Boy was I bent out of shape with that.


I recently did a favor for some friends. The girls husband was adamant about wanting her to do something specific, but she is so lazy that I ended up having to do it for her and now he is angry with me. I am not doing favors for anyone else anymore. I refuse! This is total stupidity, kind of like shooting the messenger. I am so over it.

My advice to others, think very hard before you help others. It can backfire on you and you will end up feeling used and being angry yourself. Oh well, I am going to get over it and move on, but I doubt I will talk to either one of them for a very long time.

Mailbox Battle

Every winter I have to worry about my mail box.  The plowman can be so vicious. I feel as though he really does not care about any one’s mailbox, not just mine. I have to replace my mailbox nearly every year.

One year I actually rebelled and refused to fix my residential mailbox. It was extremely bashed in and did not meet the federal post office box standards. Unfortunately, the post office won and I had to fork out money to replace the box and the post. I was not happy.  What made this worse was that the mailbox I replaced was a decorative one.

I love decorative mailboxes. However, with this situation I am not able to have a pretty mailbox. This upsets me but that is the price I have to pay for country living.  I would not give up country living for the world. I enjoy going out on a daily basis to pick my mail out of my mailbox.  I not only get to pick up my mail but also get to enjoy the birds and flowers in my gardens.

New Diet Plan

Over the years I have been on many diets, some have worked and some have not worked at all. I have started doing a lot more research on diet plans and getting reviews on them. I found a great site with diet reviews and a whole lot of very useful information on it, The Apidexin review site has all of the diet plans I have ever seen reviewed on it and what I really like they give you the pluses and the minuses of each diet plan.

I know that I can find a diet plan that will work for me over the long haul, not just a plan that helps you lose weight, then you gain it right back in just a few months. It is time to hit the beach and I want to be ready in my yellow polka dot bikini and I will need some help from a working diet plan to make this deal work.

This web site has so much very useful information I think that anyone who wants to lose some weight, safely and properly should use the web site for the Apidexin review, to find their perfect diet plan, just like I have this summer.