Summer storms

I have always had a healthy respect for summer storms, ever since when I was a little girl we were whisked away to my grand parents storm cellar to ride out a twister. Ever since I have been fascinated by weather to the point of obsessing during storm warnings. The safety of family and pets is very important to me and I would never live in a house with out a basement for this reason. So we are remodeling our basement with a storm shelter stocked with food and water to ride out storms, I hope we never have to use it.

Rising prices

With the price of oil going through the roof, the price of goods we buy are rising too. The prices at the store have risen across the board, making it even harder to feed my family. The price of gasoline has risen to the point that we put off trips until we can do several at one time. Soon it will be hard to even use the car to get to work, it costs me $35 a day just to get back and forth to work, I may have to find a job closer to home or find a way to work from home if the price of gasoline does not drop soon.

Abby’s take on the world

Welcome to my blog. Here I will rant and rave about things going on in the world. Local news and the news from all over the world that catches my attention. I hope you enjoy and come back soon.