
After having season tickets to the Nashville Predators for the last three years I am at a loss what to do a couple of times a week. It was strictly a financial thing that kept us from buying season tickets again, we have been to one game and it is not the same you get to be friends with the people around you and I miss some of them a lot. I hope things are much better next year and we are able to get our season tickets again, I really miss the games a lot.

Stock Market

The stock market has continued its free fall towards the bottom even after the bailout’s and the election. My 401K has lost over three thousand dollars and is still sliding. I know that three thousand is not the end of the world but this is my retirement money we are talking about, and now all I can see is me working until the day I die and that is not a very pleasant thought to me. Let us hope that after the new administration comes into power in January things will get better, and I hope it gets better very quickly.

Awards shows

One of the best things about living in Nashville is the awards shows that we get to attend every year. Tomorrow is the CMA awards downtown and I have had my tickets since the first of the year. We will go down to see the stars come in on the red carpet and then head in to see the show. I am very excited to be seeing a couple of acts that I have not been able to see in person including the Eagles, every time they have played here in Nashville I have not been able to go to the show so seeing them sing one song and possibly win the group of the year is very exciting to me. I can not wait for tomorrow.


After watching the debate last night I am nos so sure that John McCain has changed anyones mind enough to make up the ground he is trailing in all of the polls. I think he made some good points but at some point I can not get past the fact that he looks like an old banty rooster and I do not think I can pull myself to voting for a banty rooster in any election. Let us hope that we choose the best man for President and not make a horrible mistake, that could plunge the country into a deeper depression.

Those Rich Folks Owe Us Now

So the wimps in the House went ahead and passed the bail out legislation as presented by the Senate earlier this week, and the most inept President in history signed it today.

Those overpaid greedy professional gamblers on Wall Street now have a whole lot more money to play with, thanks to us taxpayers. And after all this, the DOW Jones STILL dropped 157 points. Unbelievable.

Out of Gas

This entire past week has been a problem for everyone in this area who needs to buy gas. There is no gas to be had. 85% of the gas stations are out of gas at any given time of day or night.

When the stations do get a tanker truck delivery, they are only getting a partial load and it is only regular gas. There has not been a delivery of premium grade gas here for over 7 days.

The price is not going up any higher than $409 per gallon, with most of the public aware of laws against price gouging. The price stays about the same but some stations are putting limits on the amount of gallons you can get at one time. That limit is usually 10 gallons, although the Thornton’s chain has imposed a limit of $75 per purchase.

All of this is ecause of the disruption to our pipeline from Hurricane Ike. The refineries in Houston that are closed or damaged are the ones that service my town plus most of the southeast.

Football time in Tennessee

Tennessee has always been a hot bed of college football with their beloved U.T. Volunteers. I am not a huge fan of the Tennessee Vols. In fact, I do not like them at all and I especially don’t like their coach. He does not deserve even half the money he makes yet they continue to give him big raises and worship the ground he walks on. They need to wake up and face the fact that he’s lost his magic and the team’s losing record these past two years proves that.

I went to a Big 12 school and will always think that the Big 12 is a better football conference than the South Eastern Conference. I mean, for gosh sakes, any conference that has Vanderbilt and the two Mississippi schools in it, how good can it be?

I really think that Oklahoma has a good shot this year and I hope they do well every week except when they play Oklahoma State.

Price of gas dropping

Finally the high price that we have been shelling out is starting to drop. The price has dropped .30 cents a gallon in the last month and the price of a barrel of oil keeps dropping too.

I hope that we can see some savings on our fuel bill soon. As a small business, we need all the help we can get, and a few cents saved at the gas pump is money in our pockets to spend on other things.

School will be starting soon and that means new clothes and shoes along with school supplies. The price of living in this wonderful world never ends, does it?

High price of living

Now that prices have soared people are having to cut back on eating out and road trips, no longer is it so easy to run to town to buy a pint of ice cream, now the ice cream has to be bought on the normal trip to the store and it will be store brand instead of name brand ice cream. Maybe this little step will help trim the waist line of America. Lord know we need that done all around the country.


It sure seems the drought is over, last year we were so dry at this time of year, this year everything is very green and the lakes are full. We just need to keep getting some rain the rest of the year to stay on top of the rainfall totals for the year. I know they are having terrible fires in the west, with enough rain we can keep the south from burning up like it has done in the past. Fire, flood, earthquake and twisters this has been a very busy disaster year and I hope we can avoid major hurricanes this year.