Extreme Weather

Extreme weather has been affecting a large part of our country this past week. I am very concerned for family and friends who live in the South and the Midwest.

There are wildfires in most counties across Texas. The fires are also in parts of Oklahoma and New Mexico. Not only have they gone without rain for a very long time, they are having high winds that fan the flames anke the fires very difficult to control.

Other areas are getting too much and areas along the Mississippi and Ohio rivers are flooding. The threats of levees breaking and even more homes and business being lost to flood waters is an everpresent threat.

Throughout the South and up the East Coast have been violent storms with tornadoes. Over 200 people have lost their lives yesterday in tornado related accidents.

My heart goes out to all the people fighting for their lives against Mother Nature’s recent furies.

New Cereal

While shopping the other day I saw the new honey bunches of oats “raisin medley” cereal.  I thought it was about time this company came out with a variety with raisins in it.  I love raisins in my cereal.  They are very healthy for you.

I decided to pick up a couple of boxes and give it a try.  I was pleasantly surprised!  The raisins were actually soft and mixed with the bunches it was delicious.  The only complaint I have that not only this cereal but others has a s well is the fact that they tend to get soggy after five minutes of sitting in milk.  Now, I don’t know about you but I hate a soggy rice or corn flake!  If there was only some way to fix this problem.  Less milk?


A friend of mine was telling me about a weapons of mass destruction(WMD) conference is he going to be attending. I was interested to her more about this conference.  My friend is in law enforcement and tries to attend any possible classes that will help him advance his career. I would certainly think that this one will be a good one ot add to the list.

The WMD conference from what he tells me is going to cover the basics of planning and carrying out the plans of a WMD event. These events can be of any size and can escalate quickly.  It is important to grasp a handle on these events before they get out of control.  This conference even discusses the government’s top list of chemicals that may be used in a terrorist attack. The signs and symptoms along with treatment options are also explained.  I really think that he is going to enjoy this conference. I even think that I would enjoy it myself!

Cold Snap

The weather across the Northeast is going to be turning extremely bitter in the next few weeks.  Canada is going to be sending a large cold front South and placing the residents of the Northeast into a freeze.  Generally weather in the Northeast is cold in the month of January. However, it is not always this cold. 

Frigid is a great way to explain the weather condition that these poor residents will be facing shortly.  People need to keep an eye on their pipes and walkways.  Frozen pipes can be a big headache but slipping on the front porch can pose more than just a headache.  The best place pets and people during these frigid weeks is indoors by the fireplace.

New solutions

I have always been a strong believer in eyeglasses.  There was only one time that I tried contact lenses and that was many years ago.  Many years ago contact lenses were not nearly as well made as they are currently.

Because contact lens technology has advanced the sterile saline solutions that are used to clean them have as well.  This is really good news!  Contact lenses are very delicate and having a high quality solution to clean them is is vital.  Many years ago when I tried contact lenses the technology was still in the beginning stages.  Many times I would have trouble with my eyes burning and feeling “gritty.”  This was naturally very uncomfortable and changed my mind about continuing the use of them.

If in the near future I should decide to get contact lenses again I will be sure to look at 1800Contacts.com.  Also if I choose to outfit myself with some new contacts I will be sure to check out the salinesolutionsite.com.

Seeing red

While putting my eyeglasses on my face yesterday I realized that I should probably schedule an appointment with my eye doctor.  For now,  I have not discovered any issues with my vision however, it has been at least two years since my last exam.

A person’s vision can change frequently therefore it is important to get regular check- ups at least every other year.  I think that I will probably look into a check- up this year once I am able to afford one.  My insurance does not cover the eye doctor.  This is unfortunate because it can be expensive.  Hopefully the only change that will occur would be for new lenses.  The cost will be less if I do not have to purchase new frames.

Fitness sales

I find it amusing every year after the holidays how the department stores and restaurants for that matter seem to “push” healthy behaviors on the public.  The department stores advertise heavily exercise equipment and diet pills.  They also tend to display the “healthier” foods available in the stores.

Restaurants try their best to create menu options that are lower in calories or sugar.  Therefore, when patrons place their orders they feel as though they are eating more healthily.  I am not convinced that these new found menu options are really any better for you than eating a double bacon cheeseburger.  Personally, if I am planning on eating out I am already under the assumption that my food selection will be unhealthy and I am OK with that.

The Dentist

I had a dentist appointment today.  I truly dislike going to the dentist.  My teeth are of great importance to me and I try my best to take good care of them.  However, I always seem to cringe when I have to go.

The other thing that makes me shy away from the dentist is the cost.  Dental work is so expensive!  A normal filling can cost upwards of $175!  Yikes!  This makes for a good incentive to take care of my teeth for sure.

Dogs Days Continue

The heat index is what I care about lately. How hot does it feel? How much more heat can we stand?

The temperature, humidity and lack of a cool breeze have made it feel like over 100 degrees for almost 3 months straight now. We still have all of August and most of September as our summer. Ugh!

We sure could use a couple of weeks of cooler temperatures.

Fresh Fish

With the problems in the Gulf of Mexico and the big oil spill, I am worried that buying fresh fish at the market is going to become a problem here. I asked the seafood and deli clerk at Publix if they are having any trouble getting the fish and she said that they are fine, no trouble yet. Thanks good to hear, but I worry  about the winter and spring as the full effects become more evident.