Bartolini Original Bass Series

It looks like the 5 string bass pickups that I have found are in the price range from just under $100 all the way up to $200, which to tell you the truth is lower than I expected. Most of the money that got back from Uncle Sam last month is long gone but I managed to keep a bit of it for when I found the perfect 5 string bass pickup online.

This particular one, a Bartolini Original Bass Series, is about mid range and I think it will work quite well for what I want and need it for. It will be great fun to find something good in the mailbox instead of the usual junk mail and the endless stream of bills that manage to find there way there on a regular basis.

If I am not home when our mail carrier delivers it she will bring it all the way up the driveway and leave it by the door instead of down by the mailbox on the side of the road. Even though we live in the boonies things do go missing from time to time and our mail carrier does her best to keep that from happening to any of us.