Love it

I was just scouring the ads for Wilmington NC Real Estate. They have some amazing homes for sale there. I just love the south and the coastal areas especially. Looking at the homes is one of my joys. Just a little something to dream a little dream from time to time. We love to vacation on the beaches of the south each year. The warm water and breezes softly wafting your hair are so relaxing. They are hands down the best places to vacation ever and one day I want to move to the beach. I know that it probably won’t be for a while, but I will keep looking just because I can.


I have a love hate relationship with Walmart. I love to hate it, but I always end up having to go there. The only reason I hate it, is because I can go there for one thing…ONE THING and still walk out having spent a hundred dollars. I end up seeing stuff on sale that the kids need or for the house and that is it. Next thing you know the cart has a bunch of stuff in it and it’s not even FULL, but still costs a hundred bucks. Grrrrr….