Wedding invitations

I have gotten a lot of RSVP’s from the Wedding invitations we sent out. I am beginning to think we will have everyone accept. So far they have all responded with an affirmative. This is a good thing, the more people who come to the wedding, the better it will be. The reception is always a lot of fun if there are a lot of people in attendance. There will be a full liquor bar too, so it will be really interesting to see what happens.

We are hiring someone to video everything as well as a photographer. They are both from the same studio and have an impeccable reputation. I am so excited! This is definitely not going to come soon enough for me.

Dating Happens For Free

Can’t believe Wendy met so many great guys on our ski trip and I came up empty. Although that lawyer from LA was really nice, he was very very married and I’m not going there!

While I’ve got clothes in the dryer, I thought I would surf the net for the online dating sites. Then I ran across a site that reviews all the popular ones and gives you the basic info so you can zero in on the right site to meet your own needs or interest. Each one has a different approach to the methods and the processes to find the right special someone.

I thought about reading through some profiles or ads on a personal ad services site tonight – just to see if anyone looked worth contacting and maybe getting to know a little better. Not all of these dating sites let you do that.

I ended up choosing. I like that it is free, with no charges to send and/or to receive any messages sent. Being able to post Up to 30 photos on your profile page is a great plus as well. We’ll see how that works out! And I’ll keep you posted from time to time.

Going over the list

I have been going over the list of people who RSVP’d that they would be attending and I don’t believe we ordered enough wedding favors. There are lot more people accepting then we originally thought would accept. Of the two hundred and sixty invitations sent out, roughly two hundred and fifteen have accepted the invite. This is going to be a really big wedding, much larger then she had previously anticipated. We have been really surprised at how many people are going to fly in for the wedding. She has a large family and apparently so does the groom. I am going to wait out another week and then order more of the supplies that we are short on.

I will have everything taken care of in time for the wedding, of that I have no doubt. We have plenty of time to get everything sorted out. This may be a lot of work, but it is also a lot of fun. I really like planning weddings. I should do this for a living. People who plan weddings for a living, make really good money. I have talked to a few of them about it and it is very competitive as well. One man wouldn’t even talk to me, because he said I was potential competition. I thought that was funny.

Wedding invitations

These Wedding invitations are just beautiful. I love the colors and the scrolling typeset. It took forever for us to pick them out and with ever RSVP that comes back I am reminded why we chose them. Weddings are so much fun, but can also be a bit of a headache as well. There are so many things that have to be done and so much to choose from. Sometimes it can be more than a little bit over whelming. I try to be as organized as possible with it and that helps tremendously. Good organizational skills will always help wit any project large or small.

Wedding invitations

I am back to looking at Wedding invitations. I just can’t seem to let it go. I was not happy with the ones that have been chosen and I am hoping that we might find something better. Planning a wedding is not easy. There is so much that has to be done and half of it hinges on the invitations getting out and the RSVP’s coming back.

We can’t really order anything at all until that happens and if the invitations are sub par, we will not order them either. It is a time consuming hassle. Of course, in the end it is definitely worth it, but takes forever.

Wedding invitations

The Wedding invitations had to be re ordered. We apparently made a mistake when we gave them the information that was supposed to be on them. As it was our mistake, we will have to pay for new ones, but not all of them. Someone at the printing company noticed the mistake and stopped the printing before half of them were done. They saved a lot of money for the wedding budget by being attentive to their job.

We decided to send a thank you to the employee who is on his toes. We are sending a nice gift basket of cheeses and meats to show our appreciation. It is only the right thing to do.