Spring cleaning again

Okay, I do spring cleaning about four times a year or more. I cannot stand clutter in my house. I rip through it from one end to the other and the kids and hubby hide so I don’t draft them into helping. I just did this in April, so I am not sure why it is already necessary again. Perhaps it is because the kids just got out of school and the massive amounts of stuff they brought home.Some of it from lockers others from desks, but the real stuff I hate, is the stuff the teachers give them. Most of it is decorations from around the classrooms. For some reason the teachers like to hand that stuff out to the kids, so I have to throw it away later. It is highly annoying.

Then I noticed that for some reason we have collected a ton of CD’s and DVD’s. I am going to sell some of my old CD’s, because I don’t even listen to them anymore. Who needs them anyway when there is IPod’s and Itunes. Better I can get rid of them while decluttering my house. I am going to go through all of the cabinets in the family room as well and clear out any junk that has accumulated. The kids are always stuffing all kinds of paper and whatnot in there and I know that they are full. I went looking for something and saw that mess yesterday. It was awful. I think I can sell DVD’s online, so I will go through those and get rid of all the ones the kids don’t watch any longer. They have outgrown some of the cartoons and toddlers ones, so there is no point in keeping them. This way another child can enjoy them, and I make a little bit of my money back for new ones. Makes sense to me. Anyway, I am going to get busy and you guys have a great day!