Summer storms

When Mother Nature unleashes her summer storms I love the smell after the rain is gone and the earth settles down and absorbs the moisture.

The locusts and crickets get busy making music and the smell of the rain and wet dirt is one of the very best smells going, as far as I am concerned. I could sit in the swing in our front yard for hours and just get lost in the sounds and smells of nature after a summer rain, except for one thing: the rain brings out the mosquitoes in droves, so you can not sit outside for very long and enjoy the smells and sounds without getting eaten up by the bugs.

You have to take the bad with the good that is one sure thing.


Today we finally got some much needed rain, of curse it started while I was out walking dogs. I can handle getting wet no problem there, but the lightning was a bit nerve racking. A good friend of mine her husband was struck and killed by lightning and since then I have been a little nervous around lightning. I guess we have to have a little lightning with our rain so I will just keep going inside when it starts and watch out the window.


It sure seems the drought is over, last year we were so dry at this time of year, this year everything is very green and the lakes are full. We just need to keep getting some rain the rest of the year to stay on top of the rainfall totals for the year. I know they are having terrible fires in the west, with enough rain we can keep the south from burning up like it has done in the past. Fire, flood, earthquake and twisters this has been a very busy disaster year and I hope we can avoid major hurricanes this year.

Summer storms

I have always had a healthy respect for summer storms, ever since when I was a little girl we were whisked away to my grand parents storm cellar to ride out a twister. Ever since I have been fascinated by weather to the point of obsessing during storm warnings. The safety of family and pets is very important to me and I would never live in a house with out a basement for this reason. So we are remodeling our basement with a storm shelter stocked with food and water to ride out storms, I hope we never have to use it.