Mark Your House

There are certain things I think a house should have as part of being a responsible home owner. One of these things are house plaques. There are multiple reasons why I can think a home owner should invest in a house plaque. One of these main reasons is for emergency purposes. When a home owner has a medical emergency or some other type of emergency the personnel from the responding agencies must be able to find the home. This becomes a huge challenge when there is no mail box or numbers on the house. When emergency personnel cannot find the house with the emergency lives can be compromised and may even parish. This is why putting a house plaque on your home is so important.

Other options exist if the homeowner does not want to put a fancy house plaque on their home. Address numbers are much less expensive and still have the ability to save lives.  Address signs are another option. Either way this is a subject that should be given the time of day in order to prepare for any worse case scenario.