Two for Tuesday

On the classic rock radio station that I listen to while working here at the home office, they play two songs by the same artist and call it two for Tuesday. I think that most radio stations around the world do this but I really love the songs they play on the classic rock station here in Nashville. Many years ago I worked at this radio station and I have loved their music since I moved here eleven years ago. You just can not beat The Rock for great music here in Music City. And no they do not play country. Not everybody here in Music City likes country music.

So cold

This winter I have been so cold and miserable it is a wonder that someone has not kicked my butt. I can not wait for spring to get here, it will not be a moment to soon. I know that we will have at least one more cold snap this winter, but I am ready for spring. I can not wait for the birds to return to our yard and for the grass to green up, I will not mind when it comes time to mow the yard again, and that is one job that I really hate. I miss the warm days and the nice cool nights of spring. Go away Old Man Winter and let spring get here as soon as possible.