Left Handed Challenges

When I was young, I remember my mother trying to encourage me to write with my right hand. This was hard for her to do, since she was left-handed, and I wanted to be just like her! I actually have become ambidextrous, which is great, but I have developed a true empathy for “lefties” in a “right-hander’s world.” Taking notes, for example is a challenge because the notebook’s binder is on the left side, which becomes an obstruction to writing!

When Charlie told me about how he was trying to find a left handed guitar store to be able to buy a guitar for his son Jake, I offered to try to help him find one. Thank goodness for the Internet! Googling “left handed guitars” under their “shopping” tab brought up several places to check out.

Autumn fashion

Autumn is here and the fashion world is abuzz with all the new fashion houses showing off their new lines of clothing. We women are now in the clothing frenzy time of year after having bought the children their school clothes, now it is our turn. Finding good fashions when you are pregnant can be disheartening sometimes, but not to worry, even the maternity lines are much better then they used to be.

Comfort is the most important part of fashion when you are pregnant. Whatever you buy for your maternity clothes should be able to be worn for your entire pregnancy and also be very comfortable at the same time. You body is going through a lot of uncomfortable changes as you grow larger and restrictive clothing will make you feel as if you are being smothered. Nor will it do any good for your temperament when your hormones are already going crazy on you.

If your budget is already strained, there are several things you can do for maternity clothes to start, like

  • Raiding your husband or significant others wardrobe. Large t-shirts and such will help you immensely in the interim.
  • Borrow from friends and family that have just gone through their pregnancies. There are a lot of them if you sit and think about it a few minutes.
  • Go to thrift stores for your pants and skirts. You can buy a larger selection for less money.
  • You can actually lease maternity clothes. After all, you only need them for a little while until you lose that weight, so why not.

Some items are a little more difficult to manage, but there are companies that specialize in them. For instance, you can buy ruPreggers.com maternity tights online and have them delivered right to your door. Utilize as much of your own accessories as possible. No you can’t wear that belt with an outfit like you used to, but you can use a large scarf instead.

As you shop for your maternity clothes with the new fall fashions in mind, remember that all trends come back eventually and if there is something that you miss this time around, well you can always get it later. Don’t stress out over it. Look for the new maternity fashions instead and see what is trending there and you will definitely be happier for it.

Keep in mind, that after you give birth, you may not fit in those maternity clothes any longer, but still be unable to wear your normal clothes right away. Make sure you have a couple of outfits that are in between sizes so that you aren’t at a loss for something to wear. Believe it or not, sweats or something like it are the best thing to have after the baby comes. You will be very busy and very tired, so looking good is the last thing that will be on your mind. Comfort and ease of access will be the only thing you care about at that point.


Now this is a pretty neat gift

My father is one of those people that has to know what the 5 day forecast for the weather is so he can plan the next five days.  Well I couldn’t believe it when I found a 5 day Wireless Weather Forecaster by Brookstone. That is absolutely the most perfect gift I can get for my father. It’s also something that hopefully no one else would think to get him.

One year I got him a scale model of an Indian Motorcycle like he used to have and my sister got him the same thing but it happened to be a different color thank goodness. Well I bet that won’t happen again this year.

Are you finished yet?

I know so many people that keep telling me they’re finished with all of their Christmas shopping. How can that be? I’m not even half finished yet. I know that Christmas is just around the corner but it’s kind of hard to go shopping when you have to work the stupid hours I do and then try and get away from the kids too. Well it’s next to impossible.

I got the Wii for them and a couple other little things but I need a boys bicycle, a girls bicycle and a skateboard too. Then there’s helmets for all three and knee and elbow pads to go with the skateboard. There just aren’t enough hours in a day or dollars in my purse either!! I’ll just be glad when it’s all over.

Bah-Humbug, HUH? I’m sorry!! I’m just stressed and really tired. I need a long winters nap. How about you wake me when it’s over, does that sound better?

Putting up the tree this weekend

The kids have been bugging me like crazy wanting to put our Christmas tree up. I just haven’t had any time with all the overtime I have been working to be able to buy the kids Christmas presents this year. I am so thankful that I still have my job because I know so many people that have lost their jobs lately it’s scary.

Anyway, I had this weekend off (an act of God made that happen) and we’re finally putting up our tree. My mother got us a really nice artificial tree one year after Christmas so I wouldn’t have to spend money on a live on every year. Besides, it just doesn’t feel right to me to kill a tree to honor the birth of Jesus Christ. Do you know what I’m saying?

Now once we get the tree up, the kids are going to be asking where the presents are. I got to start working on that too. What to get for who for under the tree.  There’s always clothes and underwear. They hate to get that!!!!

I’m still stuffed

Well this had to be one of the best Thanksgivings I can remember. The children were all here with me, we have a new family friend that joined us too, and the rest of the family all gathered at Ma-maw’s house through out the day. Some came for dinner and some just for desert. It was wonderful.

The kids stayed with Ma maw so I could hit the sales Friday. I really saved some money and got most of my shopping done too. I got one of my sons a remote controlled dragon fly. He’s going to love it. I got my oldest son a ‘boom box’ I guess they still call them but this one is remote controlled and he can plug his MP3 player into it and play it through it. Pretty cool I thought.

My daughter is in love with the movie Frozen so I got her several things related to that. I know she’ll be thrilled with them. I’m not finished shopping yet but I’m getting close.

Starting The Christmas Shopping

As much as I hate to do it, I’ve decided that I need to go ahead and start my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. Last year there were a few things that I wanted to get for gifts but ended up having to order them because the stores were out of stock, and the gifts did not arrive until late January! Mark told me that he wants to get his nephew an inexpensive electric guitar for Christmas, so I’m starting now to look online for electric guitars for sale cheap to try to get the best deal and have it arrive in time for Christmas. Wish me luck!

Some of the men’s jewelry is better looking than the women’s jewelry

I’ve never been what anyone might call a “girly-girl.” I was a tom-boy when I was a kid, and as much as I love frills and lace, they just don’t look good on me. I wish they did, but they don’t. Maybe my body is just too “angular” to do those frilly things “justice.” Regardless, I tend to dress in a more “classic” and “tailored” style. So I often find myself shopping in the men’s department for clothes and accessories. I found some really great looking mens magnetic bracelets a few days ago that I’m thinking about purchasing. The problem is that I already have so many magnetic bracelets that I have a hard time deciding which one to wear when! Adding more to the mix just might blow my mind!

Fashion models walking the runways

It’s that time of year when the fashion models are walking the runways and showing off the newest lines from our favorite designers. It is also the time of year when we have that urge to shop till we drop and freshen up our own wardrobes. This is not at all surprising as the advertisements have boosted to catch our interest.

Before you go shopping there is an absolute must that you should do. Clean out your closet! Get rid of clothing that no longer fits or that is worse for the wear from being constantly worn. I know that it is your favorite blouse, but it is threadbare and should be pitched in the garbage. You will find a new one to take its place I assure you.

Find your local discount store that have the same fashions at cheaper prices that the high dollar stores do. There are a lot to choose from like, Marshalls, TJ Maxx and Ross just to name a few. Outlet stores are a great place to shop for good deals on clothing as well and they have a lot to choose from. Look up your local sales as well, especially towards the holidays. Everyone is having a sale during the holiday shopping season.

One of the best shopping tools is of course the internet. You can find lots of online coupon codes and such to help you save money as you buy those have to have items. You would be smart to shop at online stores that offer free shipping too. This saves you more money than you can imagine when it comes to shopping online. You can go for that Beyonce’ look, but make sure it fits your body style as well. You really want to shop for what looks good on you, not just for what you see the celebrities wear.

Take your time when shopping. You can’t find that perfect outfit, if you are constantly in a rush. Pick your day to shop, make sure that you have nothing else to do and nowhere else to be so that you can be totally relaxed and enjoy the experience. If you are rushing through it, you might not try on that dress only to get home and find out it doesn’t look as good as you thought it might. The changing rooms are in the stores for a reason so USE THEM! It also helps to take a friend with you who is totally honest when you ask how something looks. This will prevent you from buying something completely wrong that you will only have to return later.

Have fun and don’t forget to accessorize ! Belt’s, scarves, faux jewelry, shoes and bags are all part of the ensemble, and will really make that outfit pop even if you are buying clothes for work. You can still look amazing and be thrifty, while rocking really good outfits that are suitable for an office job. Never think that work clothes have to be dull and boring.


Gifts for loved ones

When it comes to buying gifts for my loved ones, I am always looking for sales on good gifts. Sure you can rely on online Black Friday deals, but they are only once a year. I much prefer finding my sales on a daily or weekly basis. I have a budget and I do my best to stay on it. Sales are the best way to save money when you have a family. My family budget is not static, but I do try to keep it within certain limits. The kids helps as much as children can, by conserving on that kiddie stuff, but it doesn’t always do the job.

As frustrating as it can be to create a budget and stick to it, we do our best. It always helps to have the children involved in the budgeting and saving. There are many ways to achieve this. Coupons are one of the best ways to save money. You can find coupons for just about any product out there. Weather you are buying diapers or formula, it doesn’t matter. If you work together on your budget you can actually have a better marriage. Money is the one thing that every couple argues over. It is actually the easiest thing to overcome.

Once you have decided on what kind of lifestyle you want to have, you can agree on how to save your money. There are green lifestyles, as well as the I am not involved kind of lifestyles. No matter what you are into, you can save money.