
Stop collection harassment California residents by using a reputable law firm like the one that my brother found for his problem. He was having a problem with a collection on an old debt that he didn’t even know that he had. I believe it was from around the time he was in college and all of a sudden these people began calling day and night at all hours. They woke up his children and wife in the middle of the night and even called him at his job on numerous occasions.

Fortunately, his boss is very understanding and even recommended the firm my brother used to get rid of the offending collectors. I was appalled at the tactics these people used to try and get money from him. As it turned out, he had already taken care of the debt back in the late 90’s, and my mother was able to find the paper work for it because she never throws anything away. Thank God for that. He ended up suing the debt collectors and even got money in compensation for their harassment. They were charged by the state and convicted as well. So if you want to stop harassment for good, call a good attorney and talk to them about it. Let these collectors know that they cannot get away with these kind of tactics.


I love this picture and the quotation is profound. Finding the peace within is not as easy as it sounds but it is possible. It took me years before I figured out how to get to that place. Part of that is due to the amazing man I have.

Job in Santa Clara

Guest post from: Denver Stephens

I live in Los Angeles, and just got a great job offer in Santa Clara. I know I cannot move my wife and children to Santa Clara since my son has special needs and is in a special school. We don’t want to change his environment since we know that it would be tough for him to handle. My wife and I decided that I would get a small apartment in Santa Clara so that I could work there during the week, and then I would come home to Los Angeles on the weekends to be with the family. I am going to miss them a lot, but I cannot pass up this opportunity. Taking this job would mean a big increase in salary, and we need all the money we can get to help our son get better. I found an apartment to rent pretty quickly, and then I started getting everything set up. I knew I would need to find direct tv in santa clara since I wouldn’t have my wife and kids there to keep me busy at night.

Shootings in Ohio

My heart goes out to the families of the kids in the Ohio School shooting. It is so sad that our children think they have to resort to such drastic measures to get people to stop bullying them. Even sadder that parents refuse to parent their children who are bully’s. I cannot stand that kind of parenting, where they think their kids never do any wrong. Then something like this happens and they act all shocked and shaken that their little angel could have pushed another child to do something so horrible. It’s just so sad.

Maybe a tiki hut

Maybe I should put up a Tiki Hut for outdoor entertainment and us to use by the pool. It doesn’t have to be really big, but I like the thatch look. It is exotic like a tropical island and reminds me of trips I have taken to the Keys in Florida. I remember one trip to a place called Holiday Isle. We had a blast. There were bands on the weekend, one playing reggae and another playing Jimmy Buffett style music. It was an amazing vacation. We had dinner at a restaurant that was the largest seafood buffet I have ever seen. Almost everywhere we went had those little tiki huts, even indoors.

The bamboo matting was really neat and actually kept you dry if it rained. I inquired then about those little huts, because I had it in mind to build one in my back yard at the time. I think it is time to get around to that. I can make a little tropical oasis in the back yard with plants that will thrive even in the winter and some that I can put in pots to be moved indoors later.

Waiting for my tax check

The IRS is so slow this year. We are still waiting for my check weeks later. I know that it is faster than previous years because it used to take a lot longer for people to get their checks. It is really annoying because the IRS told me it would be faster than this. I have a few bills that need to be paid off and then I am purchasing a new truck and laptop as well as a phone. Then I am spending money on my kids. They have earned a few new things with good grades an doing chores as they are supposed to. Hurry up IRS. grrrr


My mom built a conservatory onto the house and wants to get all double glazing cost for the windows. The double glazing helps keep the heat in during the cold months of the year, so that the plants and flowers do not die. My mom has the greenest thumb and loves to grow flowers and plants. I love it when she brings me clippings from her garden for my yard. We have placed so many of her plants in our back yard garden that it looks like a carefully cultivated jungle in the summer. Of course the children like this as it gives them plenty of places to hide when they are playing.

We have grown the various flora and fauna so that there are quiet arbors of solitude for anyone who wishes to enjoy nature with peace and tranquility. I intend to put in a small pond that crosses the garden via a little stream that ends in another pond this year. I have to figure out how to heat it so I can add some Koi to it as well. I might just put up a green house and have it connect to there as well so that I can move the Koi during the winter months so they do not freeze. I would of course double glaze those windows to keep the heat in.


The temperature has gone up for a change and I am very happy about that. Now if it would just stop raining every week so that the ground would dry out, then the kids would be happy. They need to go out and play and run to release some serious energy. We have been stuck in the house so much its pitiful. I can smell spring in the air.

Winter trip

I am so jealous. My best friend is going to Le Village Arc 1950 on a ski trip with her new boyfriend. I had never heard of it before, so I looked it up to see where it was. It is so beautiful. I am saving all my research on it in the hope that I can go there too one day. The Les Arcs Accommodation she found are absolutely amazing. I didn’t realize that there were places like that in France for skiing. When I think about skiing over there, I think about Switzerland.

I am looking around for Apartments in Les Arcs myself. Then I just might show them to my honey and see what he says about a trip there. He really likes to take trips and has been talking about a short European trip for the two of us. I think he will be pleased with just such a trip as this. I am crossing my fingers that he likes it.

Bad Kitty

Oh my ! I think Kitty is a little angry. Maybe he met those angry birds ! I don’t think I want to swim with him right now.