Fashion and me

I have a problem with high fashion because it doesn’t have anything for the everyday woman. Although, more and more we are seeing full figured women modeling clothing for women who have had a few kids and still want to be stylish. The big fashion magazines haven’t really caught on yet, because I rarely see a model on the front cover that I can relate with. Consequently, I don’t buy those magazines. I cannot figure out why they don’t understand that there are more of us full figured women then there are skinny ones. We spend more money per year then the other demographic does, so why do they keep ignoring us? This woman is tired of not being represented by the fashion moguls. Get with the program people, we are here and you are losing money by not serving our needs.

That is all for this rant today. =)

Common core

I really don’t like the new common core curriculum they have for the kindergarten and first grades now. Even with preschool, the children are ill equipped to handle this much work this soon. Since each child moves at their own pace in the beginning, many are just left behind and have to repeat the grade. This is really not good for self esteem at such a tender age. Kindergarten is to prepare children for school by having them in a full day agenda with all of the normal school activities. I am seriously disappointed in the school board for allowing this. You wouldn’t believe how many of the kinder’s are being held back. smh…

Ah the joys of parenthood

While having children is a lot of fun and very rewarding, every now and then all you can do is shake your head. Kids tend to do stupid things, but my son just won the award for the dumbest thing for the year. Maybe the dumbest thing ever. He actually took his pocket knife to school. Grrrrr….he said he forgot it was in the back pack, but seriously, he should have checked his stuff before he walked out the door. Fortunately he goes to a school that knows him well and was understanding. I am happy that they did not enforce the “no tolerance” rule. He is happy that he didn’t end up in juvenile court. Lord save me from my kids! smh….

Zac Brown Band

This is Lance’s Song. It is one of those songs that make you cry as you think of that person that or you lost to the Big Man in the Sky…I have at least five people who this song reminds me of. I wish it was otherwise, but we have all been there in one way or another.

Home energy audit

If you are looking for home improvement grants, I have just the place for you to go. They can help you solve your energy efficiency problems as well. The home energy team is by far the best that there is. They were able to help me bring my energy bill down by over a hundred dollars a month. That is amazing considering the cost of energy these days. The months that are the worst are middle winter and middle summer, when we run the heater and air conditioner the most.

A Home energy audit can help you bring those costs down considerably. When I had mine done, they found leaks around my windows and insufficient insulation were my two main problems. I was able to get help fixing these problems and have been so happy ever since. My house stays nice and warm in the winter and cool in the hottest summer months. It is the best thing I could have done for my home.

I think I will stop blogging

I have had enough. I am tired of doing this everyday and people just don’t pay attention. There are so many other bloggers out there that finding a good following is just too difficult. I spend way too much time on here for too little results. So to all of you who do follow me, I bid you a fond adue.











April fools
Happy April Fools Day!