I’m still stuffed

Well this had to be one of the best Thanksgivings I can remember. The children were all here with me, we have a new family friend that joined us too, and the rest of the family all gathered at Ma-maw’s house through out the day. Some came for dinner and some just for desert. It was wonderful.

The kids stayed with Ma maw so I could hit the sales Friday. I really saved some money and got most of my shopping done too. I got one of my sons a remote controlled dragon fly. He’s going to love it. I got my oldest son a ‘boom box’ I guess they still call them but this one is remote controlled and he can plug his MP3 player into it and play it through it. Pretty cool I thought.

My daughter is in love with the movie Frozen so I got her several things related to that. I know she’ll be thrilled with them. I’m not finished shopping yet but I’m getting close.

Meeting Charlie for pizza

Pizza Hut (free clip art)
Pizza Hut (free clip art)

Charlie had invited the kids and I to Pizza Hut for dinner tonight. At first I wasn’t sure but since I did check him out pretty good, I thought we might enjoy a night out so I accepted his invitation. I have talked to him a couple times over the past couple of weeks and so far, he seems harmless. I just hope it stays that way.

He says he has a surprise for the kids. I have no idea what to expect but I’m not going to accept much from him until I’m sure he’s just what he seems to be and that’s a nice older man looking to share a moment or two with kids to help make his life fuller since he’s all alone. I feel sorry for anyone that is alone because I know how that feels.

Well I checked him out

I found a web site that tells you if there is a child molester in what ever radius you choose. There was no Charlie Benson listed which was a relief to me. I even looked up the number he gave me and it is registered to a Charles Benson so I think he’s okay so far.

Then I found a web site that lets you check criminal records. Again, no Charlie Benson. This seems so far to be just a nice older man who is lonely and wants a family to love. I’m going to take it slow and easy and see if I can learn more so I can really make sure my kids are safe with him. You just can’t be too careful these days with yourself and especially your children.

Happy 4th of July

Independence Day (free clip art)
Independence Day (free clip art)
There is a local semi-pro baseball team that has the best fireworks every year. It doesn’t cost much to go watch the game either. I love taking the kids every year to see the ball game and the fireworks. It’s almost become a tradition with us. Before the game, we go to the park for a cook out with my family. We have hamburgers and hot dogs, potato salad and make home-made ice cream too.  By the time it’s time to go to the ball game, we’re all stuffed and so that helps save money at the game. Hot dogs are EXPENSIVE at ball games.

Ball with the kids

We had a great day today. We decided to get out of the house while we can before winter gets here, and go to the park. There is a couple of baseball diamonds there and we played ball with the kids for hours. The little guy got to go play for a little while on the playground as well. We did lose one ball over the back fence. As we were in the back field that butted up to the woods, we had to go search for it and found a ton of baseballs as well as a couple of softballs. Some had apparently been there for a long time and were about ruined, but the kids were happy to find them anyway. They will play with them with the dog and that way he won’t get their good baseballs and tear them up. It was a great day.

What’s your favorite chip?

My favorite is Munchos potato chips. I am completely and totally addicted to them. Which is probably why I have such a hard time losing weight. My kids have their own particular favorites and I usually buy a bag per person. One son loves Dill Pickle Chips, the other likes Salt and Vinegar or Funions. The others in the house will eat just about anything, but if I don’t buy them each their own bag, they will get into mine and “nope” that is not happening. lol

I know, this is a stupid conversation, but I am bored. =)

Munchos FTW !

Going bonkers

I think I am going bonkers today. These kids have been on it all day and I haven’t been able to get any work done at all other than laundry. The rain over the past couple of days has kept them indoors and they are chock full of energy. It has only just started to be sunny outside in the last 15 minutes. However, it is so muddy out now, that sending them outside is not an option unless I want to have to hose them down before they come back in. Blah!


Eww !

It’s a family thing

Since the whole family seems to be learning an instrument, I decided to start playing again myself. I am looking for a keyboard piano so I can accompany the kids as they are learning to read music and play their respective instruments. I think this would make for a great family time for us all in the evenings. What do you think?

Up early

Well today I just couldn’t seem to get back to sleep when my honey left for work. So I got up and started laundry at six o’clock in the morning. I took out something for dinner and I have been cleaning already. Now I am going to sit here and get some work done for a couple of hours I hope. Of course the kids will be up soon and I will have to fix them breakfast, but that won’t take long. Perhaps I can get everything done by noon and take the kids to the park or the lake. Depends on the weather I suppose.

Hope this works!

If there’s a will, there’s a way

I have been wanting to take my kids to Orlando to go to Disney and the rest of the parks for a long time. Since it is a long trip and expensive, I want to do as many parks as possible and really get my money’s worth. To this end, I started a savings account a few years ago and have steadily put money into it a little at a time. I have it taken directly out of my paycheck when it is direct deposited and don’t check the account all that often. Until today. I was surprised at how much money is in the account.

I realized that we can do our Disney trip this year. I am so happy about this. I haven’t told the kids yet, because I am trying to figure out how to get them down there without them knowing where we are going. This is a little tricky. I may be able to get my parents involved and see if they would like to go as well. We could take their Winnebago and leave at night. Since it is only a twelve hour drive, we can be there by morning and the kids would wake up as we pull in to the Disney camp grounds. I know that my mom would love it, but my father hates to drive at night. Further more, he doesn’t like anyone else to drive his rig, or my boyfriend and I could help by taking shifts. I am going to call mom and have her start working on dad right away. I really want to surprise the kids. It would be just awesome!