Creative juices

My brother has a really large living room with lots of large pieces of furniture. He has several recliners and a very large sectional sofa. For several years I’ve been wishing that I had room for a sectional sofa in my smaller house, but I didn’t think it was possible until my best friend Suzie told me about a website that she found. She told me that you can design your own sectional furniture at ClubFurniture dot com. I just went onto that website and was pleasantly surprised to see a pretty good selection of sectional sofas with a chaise on the end for smaller spaces.

I think that I just might buy one of them! The sofa we have in our living room now is too large for the space, and doesn’t have a chaise. I love the idea of having a chaise on one end of the sofa – I love putting my feet up, and if we have a chaise section I could do that and still have room on the sofa for other people to sit!

New Furniture

I bought a few new pieces of furniture today. It was barn wood furniture that really matches well with my decor. I have slowly been changing my decor to a more pioneer/ Native American motif. I really like the way it all goes together. My friends think I have lost my mind, because they are all ultra modern, but I think my house looks more lived in. It has a comfortable feel to it.

My patio furniture

I really like my patio furniture, but it has gotten old and is in need of repair. I thought about buying new patio furniture, but then I found an outdoor furniture repair company and decided to just get my old furniture fixed. This will save me a lot of money since my patio furniture is wood not plastic or metal. I found out they can refinish patio furniture and make it look brand new again. I am so happy about that.

I bought this furniture a long time ago and I am very happy with it. I certainly didn’t want to have to get rid of it. My mom helped me pick it out the first summer I spent in this house after I bought it. It was one of those special moments that we women always remember. I am glad that I can preserve it. I will have to tell my mom about it so that she can do hers too. We bought similar sets when I bought mine and I know that hers needs to be fixed as well as mine. Once I have all of this done, I am going to have a little get together to show it off.

I think a Bar-b-Que will be the perfect entertainment. Maybe we can have it on a Sunday and watch the Nascar race on the back patio. I can move the flat screen TV out there near the bar. I have been thinking about getting a TV just for the back porch, but I haven’t entertained as much as I used to so haven’t been able to justify the cost. I will have to make a decision about that later. In the mean time I am just going to continue fixing up my house until I have the show place that I can be proud of.

There are only a few things left to do to the outside of it and I am hoping to have it finished in the next month or so. We shall see. Well I have to go take the kids to the park and let them run off some energy, so I will write more later. I hope everyone has a great day!

I think I’ll start in the childrens rooms

After I got everything put away and taken out that isn’t needed anymore, I have realized just how bad we need new children’s furniture. These were hand me downs and they have seen better days.  I love the new styles they have and I know the kids will love them too.  I can’t wait to let them pick out what they want.