Phone number lookup

If you’ve got a phone number that keeps showing up on your caller ID, or do you have someones phone number and want to know their address? Nationwide Phone Look up can help you find out who’s calling and not leaving a message or help you to find someones address when all you have is their name and phone number. That can come in awfully handy if you really need to find someone. It can also come in handy if someone is calling and leaving obscene messages too. You just can’t be too careful in this day in time especially when you’re a single Mom. Oh that web site is It might come in handy!!!

Pig captured by using french fries as bait

It was with mixed emotions that I read the article on the local newspaper’s web-site, that the Vietnamese Pot Bellied pig that has been running loose since early March has been captured.  I had been hoping that the pig would be captured soon because I was afraid someone would kill him and eat him, so I was glad that he has been caught and is now safe and sound.  And I thought it was funny that the bait used to catch him was french fries.  Seems to me you could catch a lot of things using french fries as bait!

What did upset me was reading that the police captured him by baiting him with fries and then using a taser to stun the little guy!  In the long run, however, the guy is caught and is safe, and that is the important thing!

I think I’m going to go to college

I have to admit I hate my job.  I have to work nights sometimes and weekends almost all of the time.  Holidays, well most of them too.  That’s the worst part of working retail.  My mother is a nurse and she has wanted me to go to college to be a nurse like her for as long as I can remember.  She says that she’ll always be able to find a good paying job somewhere no matter what the economy does.  She’s right too but I’m just not the nurse type. It takes a special person to be a nurse and I’m not that person at all.

I have decided to check into being a radiologist.  I could do x-rays.  They get paid good too.  Charlie fixed it so that I could go to college and he would pay for it so tomorrow I’ll go by the local college and see what I have to do to get into that program.  I’m also going to be checking online to see if I can do it online.  That would be great if I could take it online.  I think some of the courses are online at the local college anyway but we shall see.

Computer error causes death

Life just isn’t fair when you lose someone you love to cancer but to lose them to a computer error is unbelievable.  That’s exactly what happened to a 27 year old man in England that was suffering from testicular cancer.  He was happy to get into an drug trial because he was told this would increase his chances of survival.  This man was engaged to be married.

A computer error caused him to be given double the amount of chemotherapy needed over a four month period.  This slowly poisoned him and he died.  There was another man also given an overdose of chemotherapy but he survived.

Computers are only as reliable as the person operating it and there should have been something written into what ever program written for this trial that would warn them that too much medication, chemotherapy or anything else that was to be given to patients had been ordered but it seems that the computer was what was ordering it.  Wasn’t a doctor paying attention?  I would have thought a doctor would have been checking behind what was being given.  A computer has no heart and soul and can’t think for itself like humans are supposed to be able to do.  The doctor over this should lose his license or be reprimanded at least.  What a shame.

Conductor was texting

Oh my goodness, I just heard that the conductor of the passenger train was sending text messages on his phone, missed a signal and that’s what caused the crash of the two trains.  The conductor was one of the people that lost their lives that day.

People should already know not to text and drive a car so why wouldn’t he have known better than to do it on a train with so many peoples lives are supposed to be in his hands and not his cell phone.  I really feel sorry for whoever he was sending text messages because they are probably going to feel responsible.  I would if I was the one that was texting him.  One things for sure, I sure as heck won’t text and drive anything.

Hot iPod Nano

Isn’t this wonderful.  Apple has finally admitted that it’s iPod Nano’s battery overheats.  I guess that makes it one ‘hot’ item, huh?  It says the problem has been rare and no serious injury has been reported.  Well that’s just wonderful that no one was seriously injured but even a minor injury is cause for alarm.  Especially when you consider who usually has these types of items.  That would be kids between say 10 and 18.

How traumatic would it be for them to be burned and scared by one of those things.  Battery burns are ugly.  IF you want to know more about it, check it out at  I hope you don’t have one of these.

I really need a lap top

I’ve been looking for a new laptop and I have found one that I think will work out perfectly.  I ordered it online from Wal-Mart today.  It’s an Everex 7  CloudBook.  Have you seen them?  They’re a very portable laptop that I will be able to tuck in my hand bag and take practically everywhere I go. It only weighs a little over 2 pounds and I can’t wait to get an email telling me that it has arrived at the store and then I can go pick it up!  I had it sent to the store instead of being delivered to my home address and saved the $9 shipping I would have had to pay otherwise.  I like that policy.  I can’t wait to get it.  That tax stimulus check has come in handy.


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My mother gave me a GPS system for my car for Christmas last year.  At first I wasn’t sure I wanted it but then the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.  See, I work late at night some nights and my mother worries about me.  She knows that all she has to do is go to her computer and she can see if my car is still at work, if I’m on the way home or if something is wrong because I’m not where I should be.  That’s the part I wasn’t too sure about but I know Mom isn’t trying to check up on me, she’s just trying to watch out for me.

It came in handy last week too.  I was on my way home about 11 pm and my cell phone was dead and I didn’t realize it.  I got a flat tire.  Mom knew I would be leaving about then and was watching me and saw that I had stopped.  She sent her husband to me and I was never so glad to see someone in my life.  He fixed my flat and we got home safely, thank goodness.  I don’t go anywhere without it now.