Thanksgiving Feast

This year I am doing all the cooking and have a small gathering of family for dinner on Thanksgiving. We sometimes get the whole fan-dam-ily together, but this year many of the brothers and sisters made plans to be elsewhere. So I am hosting for the ones in the area. No matter if the crowd is large or small, it will be a nice day for loved ones to share a feast. And if I am cooking they know it will be delicious.


Baking Pies (free clip art)
Baking Pies (free clip art)

I love holidays and getting together with the family. I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year and cannot wait for the day to arrive. There are a few things I can get done and out of the way early, but the rest will begin on the morning of. I hope that everyone shows up, as I know that many of them have more than one place to stop at in their travels.

I prefer to stay at home anyway, so cooking doesn’t bother me at all. Plus, I have the added bonus of not having to really cook for days afterwards because there are so many left overs. There is nothing better than turkey sandwiches and such. I think I will start on a couple of the pies tomorrow. That will keep me busy anyway, what with all the cleaning I have to do. Time to get all of the laundry done today, so I won’t have to mess with it later. Have a great day!

Cooking dinner

frozen tv dinners (free clip art)
frozen tv dinners (free clip art)
Well I am being lazy today. I usually don’t really like frozen dinners, but keep them on hand for lazy days or days when we are way too busy. So tonight we are having Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans. Simple and sweet with very little prep time. This day was so very bad, I just don’t have the mind set to cook more than that.

Saving on groceries

groceries (free clip art)
groceries (free clip art)
I read an article on MSN Money central about feeding a family on $100 a week.  If I spent that much a week on food, I wouldn’t be able to pay all the other bills before now so I’m used to being tight with groceries.

There are better way to save money on food than they talk about.  I buy a lot of chicken and hamburger but we still eat well.  We have a little garden and Grandpa has a big garden so we home can and freeze a lot of vegetables so we don’t have to buy that many vegetables.  Mom is great at making different things with the same old meats.  You just have to find recipes that everyone likes and use your imagination a little.  I’ve learned to be a pretty good cook from trial and error mostly, and a lot of help from Mom.

Using coupons helps a lot, too. I have a “coupon-swapping” friend, Joann, and we try to get together at least twice a month to trade coupons. I enjoy catching up with her, and we always find we save a lot of money by swapping off the coupons that we clip from the papers.

What’s your favorite chip?

My favorite is Munchos potato chips. I am completely and totally addicted to them. Which is probably why I have such a hard time losing weight. My kids have their own particular favorites and I usually buy a bag per person. One son loves Dill Pickle Chips, the other likes Salt and Vinegar or Funions. The others in the house will eat just about anything, but if I don’t buy them each their own bag, they will get into mine and “nope” that is not happening. lol

I know, this is a stupid conversation, but I am bored. =)

Munchos FTW !

Monday night football

We are going out tonight to the Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the game and have a little fun with friends. We haven’t been out with friends at night in a long time and this will be a lot of fun. I remember the days when we used to go out for Monday night football all the time. Beer and chicken wings and a good game with friends was so much fun. I am glad we get to do it tonight.

Cooking it up

Recently I have found that the same old foods we are used to eating are getting boring. I have been trying a lot of new recipes lately in an attempt to freshen up our dinner menu. Occasionally I end up with something that none of us like, but this one is just flat amazing.

mozzarella stuffed meatballs


Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs!!!

1 lb ground beef
1 lb ground pork or mild Italian sausage
1 cup breadcrumbs
1 TBSP Italian seasoning
3 eggs
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 lb mozzarella, cut into cubes
Olive Oil
Marinara (jar or homemade)

In a large bowl mix beef through pepper. Form into 2″ balls. Press a cheese cube in the middle and seal the meat around it.
Heat 1/2″ olive oil in a large skillet. Brown meatballs and then set aside on plate.

Pour marinara sauce into pan; bring to a simmer. Add meatballs and simmer until cooked through, about 30 minutes.
Serve over spaghetti or on top of a hoagi!!


Labor Day weekend

How was your Labor day weekend. Ours was fabulous. We spent time with family and friends at BBQ’s and out on the water as well one day boating. The kids had a blast learning to waterski and water board. We found a great spot to BBQ on an island in the middle of the river as well as play some volleyball in the water. By the time the weekend was over, we were all slightly burnt (even though we used lots of sunscreen) and totally beat. I guess you can say we played hard this past weekend.



Well this isn’t how I wanted to wake up this morning. I went to make coffee and the coffee maker apparently decided to quit working. Now I have to go to the store and get another one if I want to have my morning coffee. That does not bode well for my day. I am seriously thinking about going back to bed and waking up later, but I still wont have any coffee. Zzzzzz

no coffee

Happy 4th of July

I just wanted to give a shout out to all our men and women in service as well as to wish everyone a Happy 4th. Today is going to be a great day, we have lots of activities planned and I know that we will have a blast. We are going to a BBQ and then will shoot off fireworks while we watch the big fireworks from across the water. It is great having friends with the perfectly placed house to see fireworks from.

Happy 4th of July
Have a great 4th!