I’ve always loved the sound of percussion instruments. If I had been given the opportunity to learn how to play the drums, as a kid, I would have jumped at the chance! But no, that was not in the cards for me. I have to admit that I have been tempted to buy an inexpensive drum set to play with, here at home, though. I think it would be a lot of fun, and if small in size, it would not take up a lot of valuable space. Plus, maybe one of the grandkids would like to learn to play. They sure don’t get much chance to try out different instruments in these public schools.
I think everyone should have a chance to try out the different instruments and see if they like one of them. Music is important in our lives and kids need to learn how to play instruments and sing. I wish I could have played on a drum set when I was young. My parents made me learn how to play the piano. Hated it. But at least I learned a little bit about music. It’s just that the piano is not my thing. I’ve always been about the beat. I wish my parents had recognized that.