Maintain your septic system to avoid problems

In the small town of Seaford Delaware, there is a lot of rural areas. Many people have septic systems rather than city sewage. For those who do, it is important to know how to keep your septic system up and know the signs of trouble you may encounter. There are four ” Red Flags” that you should be aware of that could spell trouble for your system.

  • If you haven’t had your septic tank cleaned or inspected in two to three years, you could have a problem and be unaware of it.
  • If you have standing water or mushy areas in your yard, then your drain field is not draining properly
  • Backed up or slow toilets are a clear sign that you probably need to have the tank drained
  • That “nasty” smell you cannot identify is probably your septic overflowing or backing up.

If you haven’t had your septic inspected, or have noticed any of these problem areas, then you need to look up seaford septic tank cleaning and take care of this right away. There are many companies to choose from, and you can get estimates over the phone most of the time. Occasionally, they will want to look and then let you know what you are dealing with.

There are ways to keep your tank in good “health” with a few simple products that will keep it from clogging or backing up. You can start with the simplest product available. A product with bacteria or yeast is safe for your system and will help keep if clear longer. Do NOT use chemical additives as they can damage your tank and/or your lines, this goes as well for chemical clog removers. Hot water or a drain snake are the best things to use to clear a clog from your pipes.

There are two different kinds of filters that can help keep your tank in good health. One is a filter that attaches to the drain line of your washing machine. This will help keep lint from getting into the septic tank and clogging it up. The filter should be cleaned at regular intervals. You can also put a filter on the exit side of the tank. This will keep solid material from getting into your drain field. You can also use a different kind of bleach, called oxygen bleach to help keep food and dirt from getting into your tank. All of these products are available at your local Seaford stores.

There are certain jobs that you should not attempt to tackle on your own as you well know. You don’t attempt to fix electrical problems, especially those anywhere near the main breaker box. You don’t take on major plumbing problems and you should NEVER try to repair or clean your septic tank yourself. The gases inside a septic tank are highly toxic and can kill you very quickly. A professional should always be consulted for any septic system work that needs to be done. Regular maintenance and inspections will keep your system healthy so you won’t have any problems arise.