Cob homes

All natural
Cob homes with a living roof.


Cob homes are making a revivial from the olden days. Made out of clay, sand, straw, water and earth, they are similar to the adobe style homes of the South West United States. The come back for these types of homes can be directly attributed to the green movement. Building green saves you money and some of the homes are actually built with recyclable materials as well, so save the environment on a larger scale. I believe this is really the way of the future, by going back to the basics.

BPI Training

My sister is taking these classes to get bpi training certification. There are a lot of places that are trying to become more energy efficient. Some of them require home energy audits before the sale of a home as well as energy companies who want home owners to bring their houses up to bpi standards. Green Training USA is the company she is going through for her certification. I am considering this myself, as the quest to go green intensifies around the globe.

Professionals in this area are becoming more in demand each year. The BPI building envelope for specialist training and certification can be purchased online. You need only find a center near you and begin your classes. It doesn’t take that long as the class is only four hours long, with one full day of on site, hands on training. The fees include your exam fees as well as the sudy guide.


Grocery shopping

I have to do the grocery shopping today. I am not really looking forward to it as it seems like it is going to rain. I don’t have a choice though, because the pantry is looking sickly without much in it. I will probably only pick up a few things though. I usually do most of the shopping at the begining of the month and buy in bulk. Then I only have to drop by the store for perishables, like milk, eggs, and bread. I makes my life so much easier that way.

Cellulite treatment

I have been seriously thinking about having a bit of cellulite treatment done. Cellulite can be caused by many different factors, such as

  • Metabolism
  • Physiology
  • Dieting
  • Skin Architecture
  • Tissue Structure
  •  Hormonal Factors
  • Genetic Factors
  • Micro-circulatory System
  •  Extra cellular Matrix
  • Inflammatory alterations

Weather it is hormonal, genetic, predisposing factors or life style, once you have it, it is there to stay without treatment. What ever treatment you choose however, is going to be an ongoing treatment, as there is no absolute cure.


There are many different treatments available, however only a few actually work. Laser treatment for cellulite is the leading treatment proven to work. Once you have gotten the cellulite under control, the number of treatments required per year are small. Usually a once a year treatment, much like having your teeth or eyes checked. A simple maintenance that is relatively quick and easy.

Learning about cellulite and it’s causes as well as treatments before committing to one, is of course the smart thing to do. After careful consideration, I have decided to go with laser treatment myself. Of all of the different treatments offered, laser treatment is the only one I have found that is truly backed by the FDA, according to my research.

Originating in Australia, the treatment goes down into the subcutaneous tissue where the cellulite originates and melts the small fatty cells away. This in turn firms up the skin and gets rid of those dimples we women are so self conscious about.

Face it, we all want to look good in that bathing suit during the summer months.  Laser treatment can help us do just that, without the invasive surgery that can leave scars on our bodies, and still unable to wear those shorts and bathing suits we do desperately want to wear. Investigate for yourself and you will see exactly what I am talking about.

Cleaning and laundry today

So I am cleaning the house and doing laundry today. I most of it already done and only a little more to go. Basically, just two loads of laundry to finish drying and fold to put away. I do have to vacuum my bedroom, but I am not in a big hurry for that. I can always do that tomorrow, so I will have something to do. Honestly, my kids are pretty clean around the house, and clean their own rooms. So I am pretty much good to go. I love my life.

New boots

I just bought these for my oldest boy. He has gotten so big and is wearing men’s shoes now. He also has a thing for boots and the Zamberlan Steep boots are nice and will last a long while. That is if his feet don’t out grow them too soon. If they do well, I will just pass them down to his brother. He is catching up to my oldest rather quickly anyway.


Oh these kittens are driving me crazy. Two of them are doing really well using the litter box, but the other two are not at all using it. I am really sick of having to pick up little piles from all over the place. I am so happy they are weaned and can now be given away. I have one already that has found a home, but just needs to be picked up.

I think I will take the rest to Walmart and stand out front on Saturday when there are a lot of families coming in and out. People are usually willing to take them when you do that, so it should not be a problem. I will just have to deal with my kids later when they are gone though. They will be a little sad.

New TV for the kids

Well the old TV the kids had fell and the port for the cable ripped out of the back. We are going to buy them a flat screen TV that can be mounted on the wall and cannot fall. The wall mount for it will be attached to the studs inside the walls and be much more secure for them. I am kind of glad that we are switching to the flat screen as the other TV fell on top of one of the boys and he could have been injured.


Now the stupid toilet is running constantly. There is something wrong on the inside of the tank, that I am going to have to fix soon. It is wasting water more and more each day. I have to make a trip to Home depot sometime this week and purchase what I need to fix it. I know it doesn’t cost all that much. It is just a pain to have to mess with. Ah well, such is life.

Kitchen Magic

I love to cook and creating Kitchen Magic is something my family appreciates. I get tired of eating the same foods all the time, therefore I try to mix it up as much as I can. I try new recipes all the time. Most of the time they work amazingly great. Sometimes however, it is something we just didn’t like even though it came out perfectly. On those days we either choke it down, or end up ordering out. It doesn’t happen often though.

I tried a new breakfast casserole recipe a couple of weeks ago and they absolutely loved it. The Kitchen Magic was definitely their that day. I had to prep it the night before and let it sit in the fridge over night, which was great because all I had to do was pop it into the oven the next morning.  I think I will make it again next weekend as well.