Still working on it

I am still working on my remodeling of the house. I have so much I want to do still. I am working on it as diligently as I possibly can, with what resources I have and believe it or not, it is coming along nicely. I will be happy when it is all finished, so I can relax for a while before I start my next project. I am not sure what that will be yet though.

This kitchen remodeling job is taking a little longer then I thought it would, because I have changed it so much. Well, changed my mind about what I want so much is more like it. There are so many ways to do your kitchen that every time I find what I think I want, something else catches my eye and I change it again. I do have to stop that though because I need it finished already. No matter what I will be happy in the end because I have the satisfaction of knowing I did this myself.