Life just isn’t fair when you lose someone you love to cancer but to lose them to a computer error is unbelievable. That’s exactly what happened to a 27 year old man in England that was suffering from testicular cancer. He was happy to get into an drug trial because he was told this would increase his chances of survival. This man was engaged to be married.
A computer error caused him to be given double the amount of chemotherapy needed over a four month period. This slowly poisoned him and he died. There was another man also given an overdose of chemotherapy but he survived.
Computers are only as reliable as the person operating it and there should have been something written into what ever program written for this trial that would warn them that too much medication, chemotherapy or anything else that was to be given to patients had been ordered but it seems that the computer was what was ordering it. Wasn’t a doctor paying attention? I would have thought a doctor would have been checking behind what was being given. A computer has no heart and soul and can’t think for itself like humans are supposed to be able to do. The doctor over this should lose his license or be reprimanded at least. What a shame.