Litter Control

I wonder why some streets and neighborhoods always seem to be clean and orderly – and others always seem to have trash scattered along the side of the road, piles of trash alongside the houses and old broken down cars left in the yards, driveways or streets? Is it really a function of the neighborhood and the standards of the people who live there? Or is there more to it than that?

My neighborhood is always spotless and yet I never see a clean up crew walking down the street picking up litter. That’s probably because there is not any litter left in the street in the first place. I know that I have to pick up an empty can or stray piece of paper from along the edge of the street every once in a while. If I see it there – even across the street by my neighbor’s property, I’ll pick up the litter and dispose of it. That only takes a minute and I don’t mind doing my part to keep the neighborhood looking nice.

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