The wedding went great

I guess it’s just the old sentimental me but that was one of the most beautiful weddings we have ever had here and we have had quite a few.  The bride was dressed all in white of course but she has red roses embroidered in her Vail and the lace over the satin of her dress.  I have never seen such a beautiful dress in my life.  Come to find out, it had been her mothers and her mother had the red roses put on the dress for her.

He groom wore a white tuxedo with the same color red as her roses on his cumber bun and tie.  Oh he looked so handsome standing there.  She carried 12 red roses with babies breath in her bouquet and it was  just so beautifully coordinated.

The brides maids were all dressed in a beautiful soft rose color while the groomsmen wore white shirts with white pants and a soft rose sash across their waists.  they each had a single rose in their hands that they gave to the brides maids when they got to the alter.  Just an absolutely perfect wedding!!

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