I had heard about the young woman that had been held in her parents cellar for 24 years along with her 7 children that her father fathered with her. What an absolutely awful thing this so called man did to his daughter. I’m sorry but his wife should have been charged too. There’s no way she didn’t know what was going on.
Well now I have learned about an 18 year old young woman that was abducted when she was 10 years old and held captive in a mans basement for 8 and a half years. She managed to escape and the man committed suicide. That’s a cowards way out if you ask me. The worst part of both of these stories is what the younger woman said:
“Life in freedom doesn’t feel as good as I once imagined,” she told Austria’s Krone newspaper. She said her life had “changed radically” on the day of her escape, but that she still does not feel “really free”.
She told the Austrian Press Agency that the public’s expectations of victims of crime were “astonishing”. She said that if victims tried to hide away, they would be faced with accusations that the public had the right to know what happened. But if they gave in to pressure and told some of their story, they would be accused of seeking the limelight, and consequently be seen as public figures with little right to privacy, she added.
She may face more questioning by the authorities over the next few months, as the investigations continue. “I’m not afraid of more questioning but I find it unpleasant,” she told the Kurier. “I feel like an uprooted orchid,” she said. “Some people try to plant me where they would like to have me. But I want to grow in a place I’ve chosen myself.”