Hot Yoga Pants

photo yoga pants
My girlfriend Natasha is a yoga instructor and very enthusiastic about her yoga classes. She keeps inviting me to come, but I have never really been a fan. I don’t like to exercise and this does not look like something I would enjoy doing.

However, these yoga pants are really hot and I would be fine with buying them to wear around the house. I even see girls at the Food Lion wearing yoga pants while they shop. I guess if you are well toned and not fat, you can get away with wearing pants like this out in public.

I’m not fat, but I think yoga pants don’t look good on a lot of people and unfortunately some people don’t seen to realize that fact. When I see a fat girl walking around in leggings or yoga pants, it makes me want to go up to her and slap some sense into her. Seriously!

Deep Woods Off

What did the people do back in the old days before there was Deep Woods Off? That stuff is like magic and it keeps all the biting bugs away. I can’t imagine 100 years ago having to be outside and dealing with biting flies and mosquitoes with no way to stop them. Ugh – mosquito bites are awful, and I’ve been bit by black flies, green flies and horse flies before. But now I use Deep Woods Off before heading out – what a difference that makes!

A Little Burning Sensation

I know there is a commercial about a little burning sensation and that’s not what I’m talking about! This morning when I woke up, as I sat up I noticed an odd feeling in the corner of my eye. My first instinct was to rub it, and when I went into the bathroom to look in the mirror, I was shocked to see that half my eye was bright red. Evidently a bunch of the little blood vessels in the corner of my eye burst. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s ugly. Guess I will have to wait a bit and see if it gets any worse.


What pollen or mold is in the air this week? I am so allergic to whatever is out there. I cannot breathe. I am walking around in a fog. This is really weird for me to be having a severe allergy attack. Or maybe I am just sick with some kind of bad cold or flu?

Good Morning

Hot coffee is the best way to start a morning. Humans do well with a set morning routine. Mine includes making a small pot of coffee with my fresh ground, custom blend of coffee beans. I sip on it while reading my email, Facebook and newspaper links. Then, as I’m waking up, I can deal with putting on makeup, choosing the day’s clothes, and fixing my hair. An hour later, I’m ready to tackle the world!

Something different about a regular guest

There is this one couple that has been coming here for the past 4 years.  I see them several times a year in fact but there was something a bit different about the lady this time.  Come to find out, she had plastic surgery done.  It was absolutely amazing how much younger she looked.

Now I’m not as old as she is but it sure started me thinking just a bit.  If you are going to have something like this done, please make sure you find a reputable plastic surgeon.  We have all seen and heard about the nightmares of a bad plastic surgeon so what ever you do, make sure you find a good one and not some fly by night doctor.  I sure will if and when I have something like that done.  In fact, I’ll ask Mrs. Thompson who did hers since she looks so good.

There are some sick people in this world

I had heard about the young woman that had been held in her parents cellar for 24 years along with her 7 children that her father fathered with her.  What an absolutely awful thing this so called man did to his daughter.  I’m sorry but his wife should have been charged too.  There’s no way she didn’t know what was going on.

Well now I have learned about an 18 year old young woman that was abducted when she was 10 years old and held captive in a mans basement for 8 and a half years.  She managed to escape and the man committed suicide.  That’s a cowards way out if you ask me.  The worst part of both of these stories is what the younger woman said:

“Life in freedom doesn’t feel as good as I once imagined,” she told Austria’s Krone newspaper. She said her life had “changed radically” on the day of her escape, but that she still does not feel “really free”.

She told the Austrian Press Agency that the public’s expectations of victims of crime were “astonishing”. She said that if victims tried to hide away, they would be faced with accusations that the public had the right to know what happened. But if they gave in to pressure and told some of their story, they would be accused of seeking the limelight, and consequently be seen as public figures with little right to privacy, she added.

She may face more questioning by the authorities over the next few months, as the investigations continue. “I’m not afraid of more questioning but I find it unpleasant,” she told the Kurier.  “I feel like an uprooted orchid,” she said. “Some people try to plant me where they would like to have me. But I want to grow in a place I’ve chosen myself.”

For Heavens sake!!!

Everyone has always known that there are ‘Moon Shiners’ in the mountains.  I personally don’t know a single one but then again I might and just don’t know it.  I do know of a man that drank some bad homemade liquor and ended up in the hospital but never anything like this.

The death toll from a mass poisoning involving home-brewed alcohol in the western Indian state of Gujarat has risen to 71.  A police officer in the state’s largest city, Ahmedabad, said another five people were seriously ill in hospital after consuming the contaminated liquor at a party on Sunday.  The Press Trust of India reported that six police officers in the city had been suspended and transferred for failing to crack down on illegal distilleries.

The state’s home affairs minister yesterday announced an inquiry into the easy availability of bootleg liquor in the region. Selling and consuming alcohol is a criminal offence in Gujarat, which is India’s only dry state.  Deaths from cheap alcohol are common in India. Last year nearly 170 people died after drinking from a single batch of toxic liquor in southern India.

Babies are everywhere

Remember me telling you about my new petting zoo?  Well all of a sudden, there are baby animals everywhere.  What else would you expect with it being full blown spring.

We have twin pygmy goats, one boy and one girl, we have baby chicks running round everywhere, baby rabbits and I think my miniature donkey is expecting too because she’s getting awfully round in the middle.  The new babies have been the talk of the town too.  Nothing like babies to bring the crowds in, now is there?

Bet they’ll have a hard time getting a sitter now!

I couldn’t believe what I was reading.  The headline read “Boy, 4 years old, shoots babysitter for stepping on foot.”  I thought he might have shot him with a BB gun or something like that but no, not this little fella.  He has one more bad temper apparently.  Read this:

Police say a 4-year-old boy in southern Ohio shot his babysitter because the sitter accidentally stepped on his foot. Police said 18-year-old Nathan Beavers and several other teenagers were babysitting several young children in a mobile home in Jackson on Sunday when the shooting occurred.

Witnesses told police the 4-year-old retrieved the shotgun from a bedroom closet and shot Beavers. Police said the child was angry because Beavers accidentally stepped on his foot. Beavers was hospitalized with minor pellet wounds to his arm and side. Police say another teen was also injured with shotgun pellets.

Jackson County Sheriff John Shashteen said authorities are investigating the shooting. The child has not been charged.

Okay, they didn’t charge the child but what about charging the parents for having a weapon where the child could get to it and worse yet, it being loaded.  Either that or the child is one smart cookie and knew where the shells were and how to load the shotgun.  Someone will end up being charged before it’s all over I bet.