My girlfriend, Vicki, called this morning and wants to get a few girls together and have a girl’s night out. I think that’s a great idea. Sometimes we need to have some girl time together, to talk about the things our men folk aren’t interested in and just have some girl fun. Its nice to spend a lot of time with your man, but every good, healthy relationship allows for – in fact, needs – some time apart.
Plant Seeds of Love
Dedicating the Weekend to Taxes and Paperwork
April weekends are lovely and so tempting to get outside and enjoy the nice weather! Alas, I am stuck in in the house all weekend so I can finish up my taxes and get all the paperwork done. I hate filing and paperwork – I would MUCH rather be outside in the sunshine with my dogs or my family.
Although we get an extra two days this year to beat the filing deadline, I don’t like to wait until the very last minute. But I sure did push this out to the last couple of days before they are due. We have until midnight on Tuesday night this year. I hope to get everything done and dropped off Sunday night.
He’s Home!
Really great news this morning – my cousin made it home safely from Afghanistan! His wife had a custom sign made up and put in their front yard as soon as she heard he was heading home. It took over a week for him to get here, but he’s finally home!
I don’t think he wanted her to take his picture, but I’m glad she made him do it so she could post it on Facebook. He looks great!
On His Way Home – For Real This Time
The Army told my cousin in Afghanistan to pack his gear and report to the air field in 4 hours. Of course, he was already mostly packed – he thought he was leaving for home several days ago. Then they told him he can’t leave that quickly. Then they told him the day AFTER he was supposed to leave that he can leave. The Army works in mysterious ways.
So, he and 8 other men were put on an airplane and delivered to a staging area away from the war zone. This place has real restaurants with real food and ice cold beers. He and a couple of his friends spent the first night there eating and drinking beer for the first time in many months. He posted a photo on Facebook so we knew he was really out of there.
I’m so glad that they made it out of there safely and can’t wait for them to be back on American soil.