Happy Birthday Baby Brother!

Today I went to my brother’s Facebook page to wish him Happy Birthday and I found out that he has turned off comments so no one can wish him Happy Birthday on his wall. What is up with that? I can’t believe anyone wants to hide the fact that it is their birthday!

So, I’ll just post this birthday wish and instead. Happy Birthday, little brother!

birthday cake

Movie and Popcorn Tonight

It is cold and gloomy and a typical winter night. I just didn’t feel like going out in the cold to have fun with my girlfriends, so I rented a movie from Redbox and made a big bowl of popcorn.

The movie was called “Due Date.” It was a strange movie, but it had some funny moments. i think it was supposed to be a guy flick, without all the gratuitous violence and special effects. Anyway, I’m glad I watched it if for no reason other than being able to cross it off my list of movies to rent.

Tried Cooking Some Cajun Foods

My mom let me borrow her cookbook about Cajun foods. Its by a guy names Justin Wilson. Mom says he used to have a TV cooking show, kind of like the Cajun Julia Childs. Sorry I missed that – I think the old cooking shows are fun to watch – there are several on Youtube. In fact, there might be some Justin Wilson videos on Youtube.

The cookbook talks about the basics, like making a roue. I just made a batch of mock turtle soup. It will be ready to taste tonight when I get home – I can’t wait to try it!

The Year to Volunteer

This year I want to do something to give back to the community. I would like to volunteer for a local organization and help people. It’s been on my mind quite a while, and I think this is a good time to get up off the couch and do it.

I can see myself helping children or women who need job skills or someone to help them get through hard times. Just not sick people or an organization that hounds you for money all the time. I can teach kids to read, I can teach English to Spanish speaking children or women, or I can give a ride to job interviews or something that would help a single mom. Even babysitting. Does anyone have a suggestion of what organization I should contact?