Babies are everywhere

Remember me telling you about my new petting zoo?  Well all of a sudden, there are baby animals everywhere.  What else would you expect with it being full blown spring.

We have twin pygmy goats, one boy and one girl, we have baby chicks running round everywhere, baby rabbits and I think my miniature donkey is expecting too because she’s getting awfully round in the middle.  The new babies have been the talk of the town too.  Nothing like babies to bring the crowds in, now is there?

So how do you like my new theme?

I was getting tired of my old WordPress theme and decided to shop around for a new, more lively theme.  I love this one.  It fits me better than the old one.  The old one sort of looked so lonely to me and I am anything but lonely.  In fact, my life is full of wonderful friends and a wonderful community so here’s to my new theme!!  What do you think?  I personally love it!!

I admit it, I’m a Dancing with the Stars junkie!

I don’t take much time to watch TV but on Monday night and Tuesday night, I’m glued to the TV for Dancing with the Stars!  I have been a fan since the first season.  I always wanted to take dance lessons but my father wouldn’t let me for some reason so I guess I sort of live my dreams through watching them dance on TV.

I just hate that tonight is the season finale.   I sure have had a hard time guessing who would make it this far.  I really thought Lil Kim would have been in the final four but that’s not the way it happened at all.  That just goes to show how much the viewers votes determine who stays and who goes.  Did you see the freestyle dance Shawn and Mark did.  They got straight 10’s and should have.  It was by far the best freestyle of the night.  I found it on youtube just in case you missed it.

Bet they’ll have a hard time getting a sitter now!

I couldn’t believe what I was reading.  The headline read “Boy, 4 years old, shoots babysitter for stepping on foot.”  I thought he might have shot him with a BB gun or something like that but no, not this little fella.  He has one more bad temper apparently.  Read this:

Police say a 4-year-old boy in southern Ohio shot his babysitter because the sitter accidentally stepped on his foot. Police said 18-year-old Nathan Beavers and several other teenagers were babysitting several young children in a mobile home in Jackson on Sunday when the shooting occurred.

Witnesses told police the 4-year-old retrieved the shotgun from a bedroom closet and shot Beavers. Police said the child was angry because Beavers accidentally stepped on his foot. Beavers was hospitalized with minor pellet wounds to his arm and side. Police say another teen was also injured with shotgun pellets.

Jackson County Sheriff John Shashteen said authorities are investigating the shooting. The child has not been charged.

Okay, they didn’t charge the child but what about charging the parents for having a weapon where the child could get to it and worse yet, it being loaded.  Either that or the child is one smart cookie and knew where the shells were and how to load the shotgun.  Someone will end up being charged before it’s all over I bet.

Car loans can be hard to come by lately

I have heard so many people talk about how hard it is to get car loans these days. The banks just aren’t letting go of much of the money they got in their bail out package yet. Until they do, it’s tough to buy a new or especially a used car. Heaven help you if you don’t have absolutely outstanding credit too. You’re chances of getting a loan on a car just went in the can then. My question is this. Just how many of us have absolutely perfect credit? Not many that’s for sure.

Since the economy has done what it’s done, the reason for having less than perfect credit might be of little or no fault of your own either but they don’t consider that at all. I have found a possible solution that helped a friend of mine with get refinancing with It not only lowered his monthly payment but also helped him possibly save a bit of his credit rating.

I was amazed at how easy the whole process was for him. All he had to do was fill out the application securely right online and has his answer a lot faster than he would have from a bank. Their applications are not as rigid as a banks either. They are sure worth checking into if you need a loan or refinancing.

Who knew?

Here I was looking at some rather awful mug shots of celebrities and ran across one that I had absolutely no idea who it was.  By the way, some of those pictures were absolutely awful too.  I bet the celebrities didn’t ask for a copy to have framed and put up on their walls either.

Anyway, I’m sitting there trying really hard to figure out who the heck this young guy was and then I scrolled down just a little bit more and my mouth dropped.  It’s Al Pacino!  Check this out and see if you would have known him.  The little article that told me who he was said:

Long before playing lawbreakers in “The Godfather” and “Scarface,” Al Pacino (yes, that’s him!) was charged with carrying a concealed weapon in 1961. No wonder he’s so good at playing tough guys.

If you ask me, he was pretty darn cute even back then.  No wonder he play’s tough guys so well.  Looks like he grew up a tough guy.