Time for an adventure!

I have some vacation time saved up and really need a break.  I have saved all year for an adventure and have finally decided where I’m going to take that adventure.   I have decided to go to Universal Studios Orlando because it has been years since I was last there and I want to go to Mardi Gras there.   I have always wanted to go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras but this will be just as good if not even better.  I can’t wait either.  They have some really great prices this time of year too so that will save me a bundle there.

The thing I’m looking the most forward to is all of the costumes.  You get to be anyone you want during Mardi Gras.  The beautiful costumes, the masks, and the wonderful food.  I think I just gained 10 pounds thinking about it too.  But hopefully I’ll walk most of it off going around to see everything.  We can only hope anyway.   From what I have seen of the wonderful handmade masks, I can’t wait to pick out one for myself.  I have always thought I was born in the wrong time.  I should have been born back when Gone with the Wind was made.  I love those beautiful long dresses and can’t wait to wear one for Mardi Gras.

I wonder how I’m going to be able to ride the roller coaster with one of those on though?   I guess I could dress up in clothes like that for the Mardi Gras.  I need to find out more about it I guess.  But one things for sure, I love roller coasters and the bigger and faster, the better.  They have a huge one that turns you upside down and absolutely flies.  I can’t wait.  Now all I have to do is pack and make my reservations and I’m off!!!  I’ll let you know how much fun I had.

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