Litter Collection

Ever since I moved into this neighborhood, there has been a lovely, older man and his dog taking care of litter along my street. He has come out for a long walk with his dog every day, rain or shine. But I have not seen him since New Year’s Day.

Here it is, 20 days into the New Year, and he has not been walking our street. I have a very bad feeling that he is sick or hurt. But I do not know which house is his. I know it is not one of the houses actually on my street, because I do know every one of my neighbors, all the way down to the stop sign. So he must either live on the street that runs parallel to mine, or on the street that T-bones mine at the stop sign.

I hope he is OK and that his absence is just temporary. I looked forward to his friendly waves and once in a while petting his dog if I happened to be outside when he came along.

Awesome Dinner

Thanks to my mom for cooking a most awesome Thanksgiving dinner today and having everyone come to her house. She did all the traditional foods, from a beautiful turkey to the best mashed potatoes in the world.

But my favorite was her sweet potato pie for dessert. I know most people like to cook pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, but in our family it is tradition to have sweet potato pie. That’s what my dear grandmother would fix, and my mother has carried on with that tradition. And I expect my sisters and I will, too.

Frost on the Pumpkins

pumpkin carvings
Bought a pumpkin last night at the local church pumpkin patch. It was only $10 and I like to carve a pumpkin for Halloween even though there’s no kids in the house. I just think it is part of the fall celebration and its fun.

If my yard got more sun I could plant some pumpkin seeds myself and have a nice garden. But there’s no sun – too many trees. Then again, the shade from the trees is nice and helps keep my house cooler in the summer. So its a trade-off.

House of Cards

Did you ever take a deck of playing cards and try to build houses or towers with the cards? We did that a few times when we were kids and stuck in the house on a rainy day. I liked to keep the houses low, just one or two stories, with a maze of different rooms and hallways. But my sister like to go for high towers. She would get them almost as tall as she was, and then one of our brothers would swoop into the room and knock it down. The little brats!