Here comes the snow

Well we haven’t had much snow for the past few year and now they are talking about 2 to 4 inches arriving on Monday evening.  I sure hope it’s not snowing in Washington DC for Tuesday.  I really hope it’s not that cold because I’m sure there are going to be rather large crowds there to see Barack Obama sworn into office.

Why wouldn’t they be after all?  It’s history unfolding right before our eyes.  I have seen a little history and didn’t really like what I saw but this time, I will enjoy this history making moment.  Dr. King would be so proud. I only wish he could have been here to see this day.  It would have been even better if his wife could have seen it.  Then she would have known beyond the benefit of a doubt that her husband didn’t die for absolutely nothing.  He died so this day could be possible.

I have had the worst day in a long time

First of all, I got up late.  I don’t know why or even how.  I had my alarm set but it didn’t go off this morning so that threw me late for work by an hour.  I hate to be late.  Once I got there, I realized that I had put on two different shoes.  Real cute looking too.  One was black and the other was brown.  It’s not like you couldn’t tell.  Then about an hour after I got there, I realized that I had forgotten to put on any deodorant.  Perfect!!

I had to run out to the closest store at lunch and buy some to put on.  While I was leaving the store, my dress got caught on one of their shelves and ripped my dress up the side about 5 inches.  Great, I wouldn’t have had to buy deodorant and pay three times what I usually do if I had known I was going to have to go home and change my clothes.

I was late getting back from lunch because of going home and changing so fast and guess what, I forgot to change my shoes so I’m still walking around in two different shoes.  Then on the way home, some nice person dropped just about everything they had loaded in the back of their truck on the road and I was stuck for about 45 minutes before they got one lane clear so we could get home.  I went straight to bed when I got there.

It has gotten so darn cold

I’m not one that likes cold weather.  I should live somewhere where it stays around 70 degrees year around but there’s no such place.  If I lived where it’s around 70 degrees in the winter, then it’s so darn hot in the summer that you can’t hardly breathe.  I guess I am like everyone else and just can’t be totally satisfied with anything.

I know, I need a summer home and a winter home.  I need a summer home in Phoenix Arizona.  I don’t think it gets that cold in the winter there but then I need a summer home in maybe Denver Colorado.  I don’t think it gets very hot there in the summer.  I need to win the lottery if that’s the case.  Wait a minute, you have to buy tickets to win that, don’t you?

Happy Birthday Elvis!

I don’t want to think about how old Elvis Presley would have been.  I like remembering him like he was in the ‘Aloha from Hawaii’ concert or in black leather like he was dressed in when he did his TV comeback show.  Talk about the best looking man you have ever laid eyes on that can sing…………you got the total package with Elvis.  Can you imagine if his twin would have survived?  Two of them running around, what a dream.

My mother said I used to jump up and dance my little rear end off when an Elvis song came on when I was a baby about 18 months old.  I have been a huge fan all my life.  His daughter, Lisa Marie, looks just like him too.  She is a beautiful woman.  It’s a shame that Elvis didn’t live to see her grown and to see his grandchildren.  Family was very important to him.  I have never watched the last concert that was televised that he did.  I just don’t want to remember him that way.

There are so many songs he did that I love.  American Trilogy used to make me cry and does even more today.  Especially when he sings “So hush little baby don’t you cry, you know your Daddies bound to die.”  Gets me every time.

Glad the holidays are totally over

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all run into one long holiday around out house.  That makes for over a month worth of a holiday.  I’m always so happy to see New Years Day so I can get my house back to being just my house instead of a holiday house.  I finally got everything put away for next year yesterday.  it took about 3 days of walking around finding all of the stuff that comes out for the holidays so I could pack them away for next year.

I have got to come up with a better form of decorating for the holidays.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the Christmas Tree with all of the lights and memorable ornaments but I hate putting it up and taking it down.  I don’t do live or real trees anymore.  It just didn’t seem right to me one year to kill a tree to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Oh well, that’s just me.  Maybe next year I’ll scale back just a bit.

Darn allergies going nuts

I have allergies unfortunately.  I’m allergic to mold and with all the rain we have had and the leaves down, mold is everywhere.  It hasn’t been cold enough to kill it so I’m suffering big time because of it.  My ears feel like they have cotton in them, my sinuses are like they’re packed in cotton too and I just feel yucky for lack of a better work.

I have been getting allergy shots since June but they don’t seem to be helping that much yet.  The doctor said that once I get to my 40th set of shots, I would see marked improvement.  I sure hope so because this is the pits.  I have 3 air cleaners in my house and I’m okay there, it’s just everywhere else that gives me a fit.


I don’t think I have ever been so glad to see a year pass like I have this one.  The year 2008 will go down in my memory as not what I would call one of the better years.  In fact, between the state of the economy and everything else, it rather sucked!!!

I have so much HOPE for 2009.  HOPE is a powerful word.  When you have nothing at all, as long as you have HOPE, then you have a chance.  Without HOPE, you have nothing.  Well I have HOPE and hope and pray that there are many others out there that do to.  I would hate to think that they didn’t.

Things are going to turn around.  It might take some time but it will get better.  We always go through tough economic times when one party has been in office for several terms and then the next party is voted in.  Most of the time it’s not quite as bad as it is now but we have someone that has given most of us HOPE in the form of Barack Obama.  We shall see if he lives up to at least half of his promises which I believe he will live up to more than that if at all possible.  That would be a record for a politician.

My oldest sisters birthday is today

No I’m not about to tell you how old she is because I wouldn’t live to ever do it again.  I personally think it’s silly not to want people to know how old you are.  There’s not a darn thing you can do to change it so what’s the big deal?  My mother is like that too.  They are the only ones that have a problem with telling how old they are.  My other sister and I could care less who knows how old we are.  Sort of like Popeye always says “I yam what I yam.”

She has always hated her birthday being this close to Christmas.  She said it always felt like just a few extra presents for Christmas instead of her birthday.  In fact, a lot of people would buy her things and put “Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas” on it.  They would also wrap her presents in Christmas paper instead of Birthday wrapping paper so it just made it all run together for her.

Mom tried to help her out by giving her something on our birthday too but it started to get a bit expensive when she started having to buy presents for all three of us on each of our birthdays.  Oh well, it was good while we got them though.

Snow Day

It’s been snowing all day today but there is no snow on the ground. It falls from the sky in a shower of flakes and then melts on the ground. We haven’t had any disruption of school or bad traffic issues, thank goodness. But it was our first official snowfall today.

Do you like healthy muffins?

I love muffins but they can be fattening.  I have found a recipe for healthy muffins that aren’t too bad.  The best part is you make them one at a time right in a coffee cup in your microwave oven.  If you’re used to eating a big muffin for breakfast then you can make two of them.  One is enough for me.  It’s made with Flax seed meal.  Flax seed is good at lowering your bad cholesterol and raising your good cholesterol so they’re healthy.  Here’s the recipe just in case you’re interested.  Oh you can buy Flax seed meal in some grocery stores but if not, check your local health food store.

1/4 cup    Flax seed Meal

1/2 tsp    Baking Powder

1/2 tsp    Ground Cinnamon

1 tbsp      Splenda

1 egg

You can add raisins or other fruit like blueberries if you like. Mix well and put in a coffee cup that has been sprayed with cooking spray.

Microwave for 1 minute on high.  It’s that simple to have a fresh muffin in the morning that’s good for you too.