Paint samples

Has anyone ever noticed that paint samples don’t look like they do under the florescent lights in the store as they do when you bring an armload full to hold up to the walls you want to paint? I want to paint the spare bedroom that I’ve been working on, and have no idea what color to paint it yet. Nothing has caught my eye.

I did go to some stores that have tiny cans of paint they call samples. I grabbed some of those not realized they are not samples…one has to pay for them. At least in all except one store I went to. And the paint isn’t enough to try various places on the walls where the light changes.

I once painted my dining room walls, what looked like a light rose color, but in one corner my Mom actually told me it looked, “pancreas pink”. Yep, those were her words. I ended up getting a natural neutral color and sponge painted the whole room to break up the ugly pink color in the one corner. Ever since, I found when my Mom said that,  I now I have sort of a complex about what colors I choose. LOL! I’m still looking though. One indeed will catch my eye, and not look the color of an internal body part. (Hopefully).