I used the diy sweepstakes for a little bit of fun and trying to win some stuff for remodeling my house. You all know how much a love to remodel. I swear I just can’t keep my house in one design or motif. My mom says I have a remodeling OCD bug. She is probably right. I just laugh when she says that. The diy sweepstakes was fun to play. I like to play games online, but they are usually MMO’s and not other kinds.

I sent a link for diy sweepstakes to my mom to see if she likes it too. She hasn’t answered my email yet, but I know that she has been busy today with doctors appointments. I hope all of the doctors appointments go well for her. The older you get the more you seem to fall apart. I take good care of myself because of it.

Paint samples

Has anyone ever noticed that paint samples don’t look like they do under the florescent lights in the store as they do when you bring an armload full to hold up to the walls you want to paint? I want to paint the spare bedroom that I’ve been working on, and have no idea what color to paint it yet. Nothing has caught my eye.

I did go to some stores that have tiny cans of paint they call samples. I grabbed some of those not realized they are not samples…one has to pay for them. At least in all except one store I went to. And the paint isn’t enough to try various places on the walls where the light changes.

I once painted my dining room walls, what looked like a light rose color, but in one corner my Mom actually told me it looked, “pancreas pink”. Yep, those were her words. I ended up getting a natural neutral color and sponge painted the whole room to break up the ugly pink color in the one corner. Ever since, I found when my Mom said that,  I now I have sort of a complex about what colors I choose. LOL! I’m still looking though. One indeed will catch my eye, and not look the color of an internal body part. (Hopefully).

Stunning wallpaper

I’m about ready to buy and put up the new wall paper I saw yesterday. It’s beautiful and would be perfect for my spare bedroom. I’ve been doing a lot of improvements lately because I’ve been kicking around the idea of selling the house and moving someplace warm.

When I was shopping at a warehouse in town for carpet actually. That and a new area rug. The place also has roll upon roll of wallpaper that is actually inexpensive but high quality. I found an awesome print. I wish I could have taken a photograph of it, but had forgotten to put my telephone on the charger. The way I figure it, home improvement will indeed up the value of the house, so that is going to be  helpful if and when I decide to sell, so I can’t go wrong on spending the extra dollars on improvement.

By knowing how to do most of the remodeling and improvement, I am also saving lots of money by not hiring someone to do these projects. This is a definite plus.

New tile for the guest bathroom

My youngest sister has come to stay with me for a few days so we can get started on another project for more home improvement here at my house. I have been planning on putting new tile in my spare or guest bathroom for a year now, and the time has come.

I need something durable, since when my nephews are here, they use that bathroom, and I have to say that even though they are great kids…well…they are boys. They really don’t pay much attention to decor and tidiness.

My sister and I have gone to home renovation stores and on line to learn as much as we can about laying down tile, and installing new lights, towel bars, and also a vanity. This should be rather interesting to see how it is going to turn out If it doesn’t work out like we want it to, at least we can say we tried, while calling a professional.

Another weekend of organizing

It seems I’ve been on a roll when it comes to getting things around my home done. Lots of projects that needed to be done are finished, and if I may say so myself, I’m kind of proud of them.

Last night I started in on the spare bedrooms. I do believe I’m sort of a cleanly hoarder. Everything I have found, bought and stored are in the one little spare room. It’s boxed and neatly stacked, but I really don’t need half of the items.

I figure it’s time to donate lots of thing. I’ve even got separate boxes for things I’m giving to friends who in the past, have admired them.


Cleaning and organizing

Taking this weekend to clean out closest and organize cupboards is turning out to be a bigger task than I had anticipated. I think I’m going to have to go to the stores and find a way to keep things neater and more organized.

Saving more space is my goal. I’ve seen a lot of space saving ideas online, so I might do what I call, “finger shopping” if I can’t find what I’m looking for at the stores.

After the closets and cupboards, come some home improvements that need to have been done quite some time ago. I’m pretty handy with things like that, thanks to my Grandpa and Father teaching me, so I’ll start that once I get organized.

Moving into a new place

Guest post of the week by Deangelo Spencer

When I moved into my new place I was really excited to get it all fixed up. I wanted to get totally new curtains and floors for the main rooms and I knew I had to have all the bathrooms retiled. I just wasn’t sure what to do about the Satellite Star Internet and the security system…did I need them both? Well, I sprang for them and now I’m really glad – turns out it’s all the extra technology here that really makes me love this house. I had no idea how much I would use the surround sound or the intercom system but they’re things I deal with every day and I love it! I wouldn’t have it any other way and I can thank my brother Ted for encouraging me to go totally high-tech with this place. Being a homeowner is tough, that’s for sure, but there’s something about knowing it’s my house and I can do whatever I want with it that really gets me excited. It feels so adult!

Great bedding

I have an over sized bed for the guest room, so I let my fingers do the shopping on the internet for bedding sets. We don’t have any stores around here or at least close to my home, that carry the bigger bedding, and believe me that I was getting rather discouraged going from store to store to try and find what I was looking for in the stores we do have.

With a antique bed the size I have,  it’s rather hard to find bigger bedding sets that are the look and style that I wanted. After about five hours of shopping, I decided to go online. I’ve sort of become a fan of online shopping lately. This site I found even was much less expensive than the bedding I had looked at in the stores I went to, and I was really thrilled to find what I was looking for to use on the bed in the guest room.

Once I hung the wall paper yesterday after having the new carpet installed, I did find the perfect bedding sets for not only the guest room, but also my own bed since I saved a lot of money. All I need to do now is paint the trim, put up the bed and arrange furniture. I’ll add the accents and I do believe I’m going to be happy with the results!

Wall paper decisions

We have this great place in town that sells wallpaper and carpet. I sort of went a bit overboard and spent more money than I maybe should have, but (shrug) I want this room to be comfortable and inviting. It’s not going to be girly, since I have lots of guy friends also, but it will be sort of a mix. At least that is my plan, so I bought wall paper that would be neutral. It’s still nice though and I’ll figure out the boarder once I go shopping for paint and bedding and such. I have a antique dresser and bed, plus some other things out of storage, so now I’m working with those also. I’m so happy when I do these kind of projects. 🙂 Good thing is, I do believe even though I spent more money than planned, I still saved a lot due to the specials that the store had!

Patio furniture

I keep looking at my patio and I’ve decided that I want a whole new ambiance for it and it’s use. That means new patio furniture. My sister suggested looking at Adirondac chairs as a beginning and then go on from there. I’ve seen a few of my friends chairs of that brand, including a pair of really nice looking and comfortable rocking chairs and fell in love with them. I’ve always had a great infinity for rocking chairs and comfortable chairs to relax in. I think rocking makes for peace once in awhile when things seem too stressful.

While I was looking for chairs, I was totally amazed at the other items from this company. For instance the picnic tables. I found one that I would love to have. The smaller size of it, would be totally perfect for my patio. Plus it doesn’t really look like the usual picnic table one normally sees. It’s actually quite classy and also very durable. Perfect for a small party of guests. So far the wheels in my mind are remodeling my patio so that I’ll be totally ready to do it by the time Spring is here.

I figured while I’m “mentally” getting myself a new patio, I’d also look at park benches to see if there was one that also would round out the look I want for my patio. Sure enough…there was a patio bench with cushions and even a pillow that looked great! So, with my little nest egg I save for just this kind of project, I might just take my sister’s recommendation into mind.