Larger sizes

My sister in law was having a terrible time as she is a big boned woman and gained some weight that she really is having a hard time getting toned back up.  I feel for her, as after her last child was born, she has not been able to drop the weight she had gained. She had a hard pregnancy with the last baby and had to be on total bed rest, which also made her put the weight on. She wears  plus size dresses, but she is having a hard time finding a nice style, and she was always fashion conscious in the past and dressed really nicely.

We have a family wedding coming up and my sister in law is working out and watching her diet, and though she is loosing the weight it is slow going for her but she has really toned it and we are trying to find her a plus size dress to wear to this function. Bless her heart…she works so hard, and I see how difficult it is for her to drop the “baby” weight, but the whole family encourages her and she and I have gotten online to find that perfect dress to wear to the wedding. I’m sure she will be just beautiful, as I think she is and always will be both inside and out.

I know how hard it has been for her to tone up and also shop with the kids very young still,  so I’m going to surprise her with one of the dresses she has her eye on. Its a lovely plus size dress, and it also has a slimming effect to it. It also can be worn places other than weddings!