Larger sizes

My sister in law was having a terrible time as she is a big boned woman and gained some weight that she really is having a hard time getting toned back up.  I feel for her, as after her last child was born, she has not been able to drop the weight she had gained. She had a hard pregnancy with the last baby and had to be on total bed rest, which also made her put the weight on. She wears  plus size dresses, but she is having a hard time finding a nice style, and she was always fashion conscious in the past and dressed really nicely.

We have a family wedding coming up and my sister in law is working out and watching her diet, and though she is loosing the weight it is slow going for her but she has really toned it and we are trying to find her a plus size dress to wear to this function. Bless her heart…she works so hard, and I see how difficult it is for her to drop the “baby” weight, but the whole family encourages her and she and I have gotten online to find that perfect dress to wear to the wedding. I’m sure she will be just beautiful, as I think she is and always will be both inside and out.

I know how hard it has been for her to tone up and also shop with the kids very young still,  so I’m going to surprise her with one of the dresses she has her eye on. Its a lovely plus size dress, and it also has a slimming effect to it. It also can be worn places other than weddings!

Went red

I have to admit I was born with auburn hair, but it was a dark brown with just a hint of red in it. My niece was over the other night and suggested I dye my hair red. I kind of shied away from the subject, until we went shopping the next day. Of course I took her to the beauty supply house, which is where she wanted to go to get some nail polish and other items. I started looking at those little hair swatches they have in the dye it aisle. Long story short, I am now a red head. To be honest…I like it!

Jr. Prom!

My niece has asked me to help her get ready for her Jr. Prom. I checked with my sister and my sister is thankful. It’s tomorrow. Because my sister has lots on her plate right now, she can’t afford to really go all out like she wants to, and I’m totally happy to help. I love her and this kid is the bomb, (using a young person’s slang) as she is such a beautiful and happy young adult. Tomorrow we go to get her hair done, and even though it’s last minute, we’ll get shoes, nylons, and pretties that will all sync together. I think I’m looking forward to this more than my niece, LOL! Times have changes so much. She’s going with a bunch of her girlfriends, instead of a date with a guy. I personally think this is really cool. My sister of course will be here at my house for the photos. I’m excited!

The dropping barometer…

I have found that during certain times, when the barometer drops, it messes with my whole body. Today I have a mega headache, and my ears are stuffy. Not to mention feeling a bit sick to my stomach. This has been going on for a long time. I wonder what the weather is to bring next? Considering the weather we’ve been having, as well as other states, it concerns me a great deal.

A “Lady Secret”

We all have some secrets that we don’t really want anyone to know about, but to me…heck, I’ll spill one because I’m not one to NOT share in case someone else has the same problem and needs a great remedy. Here it is folks, I have chin hair, or at least there for awhile I thought that I would in no time, be able to grow a beard. All the Wallace Lady’s have it. I got soooo tired of plucking every darn day and it was embarrassing as all get out. My sister turned me onto this great little gadget one day while we were at Mom’s visiting. It’s called a Emjoi Tweez’e. Nope folks, I’m not getting paid to endorse this either. I honest to golly love this little sucker. My sister even gave me hers, as she wanted me to get the results she did. It’s awesome. I’ve been using it for a year now and I get one or two fine hairs every now and then, but gone is the dreadful thought of having a beard and mustache!! The great thing is, you don’t need to pull out the makeup mirror, hunt for the tweezers you keep sacred, and it doesn’t hurt at all. So there you have my secret that actually isn’t a problem anymore. (: