
I went to my therapist today. She said I was stressed out. Umm… DUH?? Lately I’ve had a lot on my mind. It didn’t really take a therapist to tell me this, but I thought I would get some words of wisdom or at least something that was constructive, instead of the words, “Alexa, you are stressed out.” And here I am, paying all this money to hear something I already know. What the heck am I doing spending an hour of my time, trying to work things out and yet, not a think is happening. I’ll go hug a tree or something, and no doubt feel better. AND, not even have to pay for it. That is, if I was a total tree hugging type of person. If its nice out tomorrow, I’m going to give it a try.

Car fix its.

I used to love to work on my own cars and trucks. Even in my teen years, I tinkered with the old vehicles at the farm and tried to get them running. Learning by watching, listening and by a whole lot of trial and error. I still can work on cars and even my old 84 Bronco truck, as long as it’s not got all the computerized stuff in it. If so…I’m screwed.And I happen to have a truck that indeed has the computerized “everything” in it, as I needed a newer vehicle to drive that was super dependable.

It’s hard to find a good honest mechanic who won’t take advantage of a woman. I don’t care what anyone says. Surfing the net I found a great link and these great people there will even do sorts of trouble shooting for your common auto repair and maintenance,  if something is going wrong yet, you don’t know what to do about it, AND don’t want a repair person to tack on all sorts of other charges on things you don’t really need fixed, replaced or messed with. A great source of knowledge, and help. Especially for a woman.

Recently I had a bad experience with a auto repair shop that cost me a small fortune, which is why I decided to click around the net and see what I could find. I don’t mind this being a sponsored post at all, especially when I find a great deal of info and service. 🙂

On a Rant

I can not believe that a week ago, I was basking in the sunshine, even caught a tan and now it’s snowing. What is up with that? Of course, I can go on and on about how shooting big objects up into the atmosphere to see what they can see and also bombing the moon, not once, but two times may have something to do with it, as far as I’m concerned, but I’ll try not to depress myself even more by dwelling on it. I’m a sun baby, pure and simple. I hate the cold as much as I hate going to the dentist, which says a great deal right there. Okay, so my rant wasn’t really a full fledged rant, but a few more days of this will send me into one for sure!!