Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air and I am loving it. The Dogwoods are blooming and the trees are finally begining to grow a few leaves. It won’t be long before they are full and green. I am so happy that the cold weather is finally gone. I will get out in the yard this weekend and clean up the broken branches and sticks, because it is already looking like I will have to mow the yard soon. I am not looking forward to the seasonal allergies though. I will have to make a trip to the pharmacy to get some allergy meds. Blech…

End of summer is near

Well the end of summer is near. It is almost time for the kids to go back to school and then right after that the weather will change and start to cool off. It will be time to put away the flip flops and dig out the boots and jackets. I love wearing my boots, but I always miss my sandals. I can’t believe that autumn is so close. It seems like summer just got here and now it is almost gone.

Where did the time fly to? I have no idea, but I think I had better make the most of what is left of summer. Perhaps a couple of trips to the sand bar down at the river, or to the creek bottom where we gather to swim. I refuse to let anymore of summer get away from me. So I am out of here to go find something to do. Later Gators.

Had to rent a car

I got side swiped yesterday while on my way to an opening of my friend’s new business. I was upset at first, but then the person who hit me, was so nice and also upset, that I realized she really didn’t mean to do it, of course. She told me she had a blind spot, which because of her old vehicle and the fact that the weather was really nasty, it’s understandable.

We exchanged information and bless her heart, she even offered to take me to where I was going and wait then take me home. She was an older woman and I could tell she really didn’t have the money for gas or to lose work, so I just drove…more like limped…my car to my car service business and the guy there took me to rent a car.

It was no big deal to me, because I experienced human kindness and actual caring from this woman. It’s rare these days. My service man told me my car will be ready in only two days. I can live with that. I wish there were more people like the woman who accidentally hit me, in this world.

It’s confirmed

I have one heck of a case of strep throat. Wonderful. Perhaps from standing out in the cold handing out candy to exactly 12 kids that came to the house for trick or treating? It was such a sad turn out. I ended up giving the kids hand fulls of candy and telling them to come back around if they wanted. They were happy, though.

Darn change of weather

Wouldn’t you know, the weather changes and I get another cold. My doctor advised against me getting a flu shot thisĀ  year, because it didn’t work well for me last year. I’m going to make some chicken soup then curl up in cozy jammies after I Vick’s down, and watch a movie. So much for a hot date on a Friday night…LOL!

Rain rain go away

I can not believe that it has been raining and so dreary here for nearly a week. We only had one nice day last weekend, and that was on Sunday. It was like a beautiful “Indian Summer” day. I enjoyed it and took the dog out for a walk after he kept bringing me his leash. He hardly ever does that, but apparently he wanted to go outside and enjoy the weather also.

Fall Equinox

Summer is officially over now and it’s sad to me. It seems like this summer and the awesome warm weather came and went so quickly. I dread having to start layering clothes, digging out my winter things and heavy socks, boots and cold weather gear. I always think the very first snow flakes to come down looks pretty, but after that first time, I want to then pack up and go someplace very warm.

Rolling fog

Wow! I woke up early this morning and since it’s now staying darker longer it was semi dark still outside. When I opened the door to let my dog outside, the fog was so thick that I couldn’t see the house across the street from me. To top it off, even though it wasn’t the slightest bit windy out there, the fog was actually rolling around and swirling. It looked like something out of a scary movie. I ran to get my camera to video it it, only to discover that the darn batteries were dead. It’s light out now, but still really foggy. I saw on the news that most the schools are delayed around here…as well they should be. I’m not even going to drive in this.

Enjoying the weather

Well the weather we’ve had for the last two days sure has been different than what it was. It’s beautiful out, and with a day off today, I’ve been enjoying the last days of summer before it turns cold. This morning I sat out on the patio and had my tea while reading the book I started and just enjoying the sounds of the morning. With the weather so nice, I’ve worked a bit in my gardens since soon I’m going to have to “put them to bed” for the winter. So far, it’s been a great day!


The weather got actually cold the last couple days. The temperature got down in the 40’s last night and I even had to turn the furnace on in order to get the chill out of the air, since it was also really windy and raining. I’m sure not looking forward to winter. I have a feeling it’s going to be a bad one. Or at least, worse than usual.