AA Batteries

For some reason I can never find good AA batteries when I need them.My digital camera is the biggest battery hog and I am always having to change out the AA batteries in my camera – it is a real nuisance.

I have tried rechargeable batteries – but they have a lot of disadvantages. Every time you recharge them you get a little less life and there is no way to tell how many times you have left or how much life you have to use. It’s very frustrating to charge the batteries overnight and then get only 10-15 minutes worth of charge.

So I bought a big value pack of regular AA batteries. But evidently they go bad from sitting on the shelf and each time I put innew batteries I would get less and less use. Arrrgh! I guess I am going to have to bite the bullet and pay the extra money for lithium batteries. I hope they are worth it!