Alaskan vacation

I have been wanting to go to Alaska forever. I have family there and have never gotten to visit them. My cousin has been trying to get me and the rest of my family to come up for a long time. We have considered it off and on, whether to just go up for a visit or to take a cruise while we are up there. We even looked into alaska hotels to see if we could find one that is near enough to visit family, but also to just enjoy the trip.

This lodge style hotel is just what I am looking for if we decide to go up. I want the full experience of the Alaskan “frontier” style vacation. This kind of hotel embodies that style to it’s fullest.

This is the kind of views you can expect to see in Alaska. I cannot imagine a more beautiful place on earth to visit, I asked my cousin how she could deal with the extreme cold during the winter and she said” The perfect summers make the harsh winters totally worth it”. Can you imagine a “perfect summer”? The perfect temperature all summer long without being too hot at any point is definitely worth experiencing. As much as I love to ski, I don’t think I would ever brave a winter vacation there though. That would be a bit too cold for me.