Busy at work

Gosh I have been so busy at work lately. It seems like we are just over loaded with a ton of paperwork that has to be done by the end of the year. I know that a lot of it has to do with making sure everything goes to the accounting department, but I cannot figure out how so much did not get turned in by people. Almost all of these accounts are from my co-workers. I have only had two that I didn’t get turned in and they are from last weeks work. Trying to keep up with everyone else’s work and mine is putting me behind and really irritating me.

My boss is aware of the situation and has already promised me a bonus for handling all of this on top of my own work. I am laughing a little bit though. The bonus is coming from my co-workers paychecks, since they are being docked for not doing their jobs. I should feel bad because it is happening right before the holiday’s but I don’t. It is their own fault for their laziness. Anyway, I have a ton of stuff to do so far well for now.