A very nice date

I went on my date with Michael and I was quite unprepared for him to know exactly where I wanted to go, as he lives out of State and I didn’t know he was familiar with the city I live near. Heck, I’m not even really that familiar with it, to be honest. When we got to the restaurant I had wanted to go to because of the food they served,  I discovered we needed reservations, or would have to wait. He gave the lady his name and we got a table right away.

I was curious as to how he knew directions, hours, the fact we needed reservations, and darn near everything about this city, if he hadn’t been familiar with it. At first he joked a bit and said things like, “psychic”, “magic” and what not. But then he admitted that he had got on the computer and looked it up in what he liked to call a city’s local yellow pages. I had never even knew a service like this existed.

Our date went really well. The food at the restaurant was delicious and our conversation was just the same as it had been when we last had gotten together. We’ll see what happens. When I got home,  I did however, get on my computer and look at the link he had given me, so find out what it was all about what he had been talking of, and was impressed with it. If I need any information for local businesses or darn near anything one could find in the yellow pages, I can just go online. I hate looking up things in the phone books. My eyes aren’t as they used to be, and it is a pain in the butt. All I have to do is type in what I want and it comes up. This I love a lot! We’ll  have to wait and see about Michael.  To be continued… 😉