Copy machine toner

I have a copy machine in my office that in all honesty, I have no clue how to use it. It is an older Dell, and when I was told I needed more Dell 3115 cn toner, the look on my face must have shown that I didn’t know what the person who looked at my copier and told me what the problem was, meant by this. I had no idea what toner was, and now feel rather silly because of it, but much more informed, so this is a plus.

I was told that most people buy cheap machines because the toner is basically very expensive. Then when it runs out of toner, that they just replace the machine. But in doing that, they don’t know that the toner cartridge only is 1/3 full when the machine is bought. I did some research to find out exactly what toner was, and also didn’t know it was a powder. It’s pretty interesting, actually. But what I had been told about people just buying new cheap machines is also true in a majority of cases. To order the Dell 3115 cn toner, is a bit less expensive than most of the others though.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. The copy machines are expensive, but so is the toner. On the other hand, buying another machine, means that I won’t get the amount of toner that would be in a full cartridge. I’m thinking just keep my Dell, buy the Dell 3115 cn toner, and perhaps save some money in the process.

Advertisement necessity

I’ve been hearing a lot of information about how people with businesses no matter how big or small would do really well with an Advertising Agency and I’m beginning to really realize exactly how true that is. Lots of people who have  even small personal  businesses are basically going under and not surviving because of not having the time or the know how to advertise properly for themselves and their business.

I have to admit that I indeed have heard so much about how businesses really need proper advertising in order to survive, especially with the economy the way it is right now. Personally, my girlfriend told me that the reason her jewelry business didn’t succeed because she didn’t have the know how to advertise her jewelry and beaded purses that she makes. They are really beautiful, but she just didn’t have the time to do the advertising herself  and like I said, the “know how” to really make her items sell. I’ve gotten quite a few earrings and other items from her, and not only are they beautiful, they are also durable and not cheap looking at all.

Now a days, there is so much that can be done with businesses that need and want to be recognized that the best way to go is to have professionals do this for you.

Old dog new tricks?

My little brother is still trying to teach me about web hosting. I sometimes am a really slow learner when it comes to the tech stuff pertaining to the computer. Hence, I have been reading up on and studying everything he has been kind enough to keep repeating to me, writing notes for me and also giving me all sorts of little tips and what not, for basic advertising for my small business that if I ever learn, will indeed boost my income considerably.

Recently I’ve been checking out and learning about web hosting ratings. Apparently from what I have gleaned from this issue, is that it is a pretty important part of this whole process. To be honest, it is really helpful and is written in a way that I, even not being a computer geek, can understand.

While looking at various options, prices and tech support, I being the person I am…clicked on Fat  Cow Green Hosting. Reasons? Well, in all honesty I liked the silly name. Then I got to reading about the ratings, the fact that there was unlimited disk space and traffic, lots of free stuff, like domain and set up and also it was inexpensive…right in my budget range! With the help of my little bro, I should be able to figure all this out. Time will tell. As I have said in previous posts, I’m learning. Slowly but surely and finding all of this quite interesting, if truth be known!

Have to love a geek!

My little brother has been teaching me about web hosting and to be honest, at first I thought it would be boring but it isn’t at all. Actually it’s pretty interesting and quite helpful. Or will be for my on the side job I’ve been thinking about doing. I make all kinds of crafts and love to do this in my spare time. Everyone said I should sell the things that I make. Perhaps I should.

I don’t have the time or the money to do this on my own and my geeky kid brother has been telling me and showing me how easy it is to have someone else do this for me. There are a bunch of web hosting types available and from what I have learned so far, it’s pretty simple with a little bit of help to pick one that suits your needs. Plus the people work with you and so it’s virtually a no brainer…at least for me.

He showed me Green Hosting that is inexpensive, covers exactly what I would need for a small business and get what I pay for. Like I said, all this is really interesting also. I never thought I would be into something like this, but I need the extra money, as everyone does in these terrible economic times. I’m willing to try this and see what happens.

A very nice date

I went on my date with Michael and I was quite unprepared for him to know exactly where I wanted to go, as he lives out of State and I didn’t know he was familiar with the city I live near. Heck, I’m not even really that familiar with it, to be honest. When we got to the restaurant I had wanted to go to because of the food they served,  I discovered we needed reservations, or would have to wait. He gave the lady his name and we got a table right away.

I was curious as to how he knew directions, hours, the fact we needed reservations, and darn near everything about this city, if he hadn’t been familiar with it. At first he joked a bit and said things like, “psychic”, “magic” and what not. But then he admitted that he had got on the computer and looked it up in what he liked to call a city’s local yellow pages. I had never even knew a service like this existed.

Our date went really well. The food at the restaurant was delicious and our conversation was just the same as it had been when we last had gotten together. We’ll see what happens. When I got home,  I did however, get on my computer and look at the link he had given me, so find out what it was all about what he had been talking of, and was impressed with it. If I need any information for local businesses or darn near anything one could find in the yellow pages, I can just go online. I hate looking up things in the phone books. My eyes aren’t as they used to be, and it is a pain in the butt. All I have to do is type in what I want and it comes up. This I love a lot! We’ll  have to wait and see about Michael.  To be continued… 😉

Little brothers are great!

Of course who I call my “little brother” isn’t little anymore. He’s 8 years younger than me, and a grown man. I still will always call him my “little brother” though. I love him dearly, and am amazed at his accomplishment. He’s a butt kicking diesel mechanic, and works on these HUGH motors. He is an avid outdoors man…hunting, fishing, tanning the hides of deer, and what ever else that pertains to this. A real rugged looking, handsome guy. But he is also a computer geek. I have to laugh sometimes. To look at him one would never think he would get into such things, but indeed he does and he’s now trying to teach me about web hosting.

Now I have to be really honest. I am sort of computer illiterate, to say the least. When I broke down and bought a computer, a lot of people were totally shocked. But I needed one to keep in contact with some people who I needed to, and to use for files and photos I needed to keep and protect. When I started a small business I needed more advertisement and my brother decided to show me some ways to get my business “out there” so to speak. I myself personally don’t have a whole lot of time on my hands so he told me that managed hosting, would be an excellent way for me to go. They take care of everything for you, basically. Lots of help right there at your fingertips and it’s awesome, because these are professionals that really know what they are doing and care about you and the success of your business.

I was really worried about having something happen to my “baby” meaning my business and the info stored that I need, so I learned about colocation. I think of it as sending the techs my servers and they keep them safe in a awesome place where everything is “babysat” and nothing will happen to them. 🙂 No worries if your own computer crashes, or something someone stealing your kid, so to speak. It’s indeed the way to go if you want your business out there, yet protected.