Shades of Oz?

We finally got the rain everyone has literally been praying for in these parts. Early this morning we had some hellacious winds, thunder and lightening. I was having my morning tea in my office and looked out the window in time to see the neighbor’s storm door fly off it’s hinges and go hurling across the yard. I must admit that the scene from Wizard of Oz flashed through my head…the one where the screen door went flying when Dorthy tried to open it. While looking outside, I did however notice it suddenly got very quiet, and everything looked sort of green. Like a green haze was in the air. Even as a kid living why out in BFE country, we were taught when we see that green haze, to take cover. Fortunately,  things settled down and then it cooled off considerably. This is not to say that we are still having some major storms heading this way again later on. I’ve decided not to worry about it though. I figure the Big Guy is ticked off and disappointed with the whole world and he and Mother Nature, are in cahoots as far as the weather goes. My motto… Be prepared for anything now a days, where the weather is concerned.

New neck art

It will look a whole lot better once it heals, but ya’ll get the general idea. Too bad I couldn’t post the photo a bit larger though.

A new tattoo!

Yes folks, I tend to like skin illustrations, as sometimes they are called. They say that tattoo’s are habit forming and I am here to tell you that they are. A friend of mine is visiting from Oregon and owns three tattoo shops there. He is good at his “craft” and a wonderful artist. I figure if I’m to get another one, I would rather have him tattoo me, since I trust him fully and have watched him in action, so to speak. So, the time as come for another one. Once it is done, I will post a photo. I’m thinking about getting something on the Celtic side, with maybe a rose or something inked in. We will see. I’ve been kicking it around for a long time, so I won’t regret it later on. I can’t wait to visit with my friend also. We haven’t seen one another in a very long time. It should be a great visit, and I’m really looking forward to it. 🙂

A very good book.

I know most every one has heard of the movie with Julia Roberts in it, called Eat, Pray, Love. Well, I saw the movie and didn’t think it was very good. Then I got the book. To me, books are always better than the movie. I was right about this one. I literally did not want to put it down. If I were a book critic I would give it a five star rating. Do yourself a favor and read it. I can’t begin to tell you all how much I got out of it personally.

End of the world?

I highly doubt it, but people are really going a bit nuts about this. Okay, a bit is rather an understatement. It’s crazy. I woke up this morning and turned on the news while I was drinking my coffee and all the channels kept giving news coverage on the Rapture. To be honest, I stopped watching a lot of news quite some time ago, because it depresses the living he** out of me. No pun intended nor would I ever get snip about stuff like that, since I am a believer in God, Angels and Saints. Still…come on people. NO ONE can predict when the end is going to come. Not down to the very last minute like it’s being said. Pardon me for being skeptical, but I am! I’m going to 4:30 mass like I usually do on Saturdays, and then come home, grab a glass of wine and my only cigarette of the day, kick back and watch the world go by. (Pun intended here) I figure when the Big Guy wants us, then it’ll be on HIS time. Not on someone else’s predictions.