Almost over

Well this year is almost over and there is so much yet to do. I have a ton of Christmas presents to buy and a list as long as my arm. I know that I should have gotten some of it done sooner, if not all of it. I can’t help it, I always wait for the good sales to hit. They always run from Thanksgiving to Christmas and are a great money saver for me. Occasionally, I will shop right after Christmas and get those sales, but I usually use those things that I buy for birthday’s and such. Oh well, time to get cracking on that list. Later Gators!

End of summer sales

I really love the end of summer sales. Not just back to school, but the basic end of season sales. Everything they have been pushing all summer long goes on deep discount and I can stock up for next summer without worrying about what I will need. I just store it in the garage in the summer container and voila! I have everything I possibly need. How is that for planning ahead? Doing my little happy dance now.