Get Those Cards Mailed TODAY

The Postal Service says that today is the deadline for getting first class mail delivered by Christmas. So I have to hurry up and get the last of my Christmas cards signed and addressed. I only have about 5 or 6 left to do, but I was so tired last night I could barely keep my eyes open, so I did not get to finish.

Thank goodness the post office is only a few miles from my house and they accept mail up until 9:00 pm. So I will make the deadline and my friends will get their cards on time.

Stocking up when the price is right

When Sandy told me that she was going to go online and order four boxes of rico alto sax reeds I told her that I thought she was crazy! There are twenty-five reeds in a box! One hundred reeds sounds like a life-time supply to me! But she told me that she has a couple of friends that will buy some off of her, and that she found them at a good price, and doesn’t want to take the chance of missing out on the good deal. She reminded me of the old adage “strike while the iron is hot.” I still think she’s crazy.

Christmas Blessings

This past week has been crazy busy. I had to finish up shopping, get my tree up and decorated, and bake 20 dozen Christmas cookies to give to my close friends. We have a small group of friends and family who like to exchange cookies each year, and everyone loves my little gingerbread men and women. So I have an entire afternoon dedicated to baking gingerbread men and women today.

I guess it’s too late to send out Christmas cards. I’m sorry I blew it, but I do hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas.

Mens divorce lawyers

I never knew there were divorce and custody lawyers that specialized in legal help for men, but then I heard about Cordell & Cordell Reviews from a guy friend of mine who was looking online for divorce lawyers. Like I said, I personally had never heard of such a service, so indeed I did browse through the site. Sure enough the service is there,  and they do everything from divorce and child custody, to spousal support and property division for men.

While looking through the site, I read the Cordell & Cordell reviews that clients had written and I was surprised the these are not just men who work on the men in need of a lawyer cases. There are women lawyers also who have represented the men. The reviews were quite remarkable, actually.

I do however personally have mixed feelings about divorce and feel that some men, and this is just from personal experience with some of my women friends, will go to great lengths to put the screws so to speak to their soon to be ex wives. However, isn’t that sometimes also true with what some women do to men during a divorce or custody and support battle? So at least in my friends case, since I know the whole situation and how his wife is, I think that a firm like Cordell & Cordell would be perfect for him.

Finally the phone stopped ringing

Of course it is nearly about 12:45 in the morning, and the phone isn’t ringing, but hopefully I just didn’t jinx myself by writing this. All night the phone rang non stop. From wedding plans to sadly (or maybe not sadly, in my opinion) divorce woes, or friends needing advice. Maybe I should be a wedding planner or a shrink when I grow up. Okay, just trying to lighten it up a bit. It’s one of those nights that I can’t sleep and I’m glad I don’t have to get super early in the morning.

Wedding plans

My friend I mentioned earlier who’s boyfriend was going to surprise her with a marriage proposal and give her the beautiful ring came over together a little while ago. I’ve never seem them so happy in all the years I’ve known them. Now Barb and I will be making wedding plans. I’m thrilled for them!

Engagement plans

My good friend’s boyfriend Tim, surprised me this afternoon by showing me the vintage engagement rings he had gotten for my friend Barb. They were on loan to show me, until he got my opinion and I have to say, the first one he showed me was the total pick!  It is simply beautiful. When I say the word “simply” it is meant in just that sense and meaning. Barb isn’t one of those women who like big, gaudy jewelry. She a sort of old fashion and elegant women, who prefers beautiful, but not flashy things.

This ring is perfect for her, and it shows that Tim knows her very well. By no means is it plain. The only word to describe it, is it has the look of true vintage engagement rings in a timeless era, if that makes sense. It is a three sided classic design, in platinum. There is the center diamond, and diamonds on the band on three sides. The center diamond is a princess cut and it looks like it is being held up with a round diamond in a square under the center stone. It’s totally Barb in the style also.

The fun part is, my dear friend doesn’t have a clue Tim got it. I’m sure they will get married, but Tim wanted this to be a total surprise and I also know that she will be so happy. Now it makes me want to look at vintage engagement rings, and just wear it on my right hand. I’ve thought about it in the past, and even Barb told me I should do this, since I have no plans or desire yet to get married but love the look of some of them.  I don’t see a reason why after my friends get married, I shouldn’t have one just because I’m not engaged.


A gift for my very large man friend

My friend Steven will turn fifty soon and I wanted to get him a gift that I know he will be pleased with. The problem is, that I was having a problem finding a store that sells big and tall mens clothing. There is a shopping mall in a large town close to me, and one would think out of all the higher priced clothing stores, or the more pricey department stores there, I could find a shirt or pair of pants that would look great on Steven and would actually fit him. I couldn’t find anything near his size.

My dear friend used to be a wrestler in what was called the WWF (World Wrestling Federation) back years ago when I first met him. He is retired now, and still by no means is he overweight in anyway, as he works out every day and is very health conscious. He is just very tall and very big. But he also has problems finding big and tall mens clothing for himself. He is a great looking guy who deserves nice looking clothes that actually fit him.

Another friend of mine knew of my problem and told me to get online to find what I was looking for. To be honest I never even thought of it, since most clothing stores always carried what I was looking for.  So I went to my computer for my mission to find big and tall mens clothing. I found some awesome clothes! I like them so much I got into my extra gift money and bought him a polo shirt, two flannel shirts I know he’ll love, and a pair of great looking cargo pants that he favors.  I can’t wait until his birthday to give them to him. I know now he indeed will be pleased!!

Water chores

This weekend I’m going up to the lake place and take out the dock. It’s kind of a bittersweet type of thing for me to do, since it feels like it marks the end of the summer. There is still the beach access to the water on the warm last days, and even sometimes into the beginning of October, but I love to run the length of the dock and dive right in. I’ll recruit a few of my guy friends and girlfriends to help out and well all grill and we always have a good time doing this, but I hate summer to end.