Happy Thanksgiving

We’ve been busy wishing all our friends and family a Happy Thanksgiving. Went to the grocery store with a list of all the important things so we wouldn’t forget anything. I’m cooking fresh green beans, corn pudding, and the sweet potatoes – with mini-marshmallows and caramelized walnuts.

My sister is doing the turkey – it’s 26 pounds of terror if I had to deal with it. I have never cooked a turkey yet! I might make it until old age without having to deal with a big bird that is so easy to undercook or overcook and so hard to get thawed out safely and in time to get in the oven for a big crowd with high expectations. As long as someone else will cook the bird, I’ll be happy to do the rest.

A Turkey in Every Pot

The latest craze for Holiday meals is deep fried turkeys. This HAD to have been invented in the South. They fry any and every thing in the South – and it usually tastes damn good, too.

The problem with deep frying turkeys is that you have to use a lot of very hot oil in a big pot that can tip over or spill over very easily. This usually causes someone’s house to burn down because these dumb rednecks don’t understand that hot oil spilled on a wood deck equals big fire. So if you are cooking a turkey in a big tub of hot oil, please use your brain and put it on a surface that cannot catch fire. And cook it outside, far away from your house!