Cleaning house

I am doing full out house cleaning today. From dusting and mopping, to windows and everything in between. I have an excess of energy today that I just can’t seem to get rid of, so I am going full tilt. These vitamins I have been taking are working really well. I am waiting for the floors to dry so I can get back to work. Until then I am going to surf the web a bit. Have a great day !

So much to do

There is always so much to do as the holidays begin to arrive. Starting with Halloween, there is decorations to go up and then back down. Toss some stuff out for Thanksgiving and bring it down as well. Then of course the major decorating for Christmas immediately following Thanksgiving. Lights to put up, picking the perfect tree and decorating it. This is a lot of work. In between each one, as you remove decoration, there is the cleaning process as well. By the time New Years gets here, I am usually exhausted. Then again, so is everyone else I know.

The long weekend

With the long weekend upon us and kids not having school Monday, on account of it being Martin Luther Kings day, my nephews keep calling me to beg me to stay over.

Just when I am finally getting so many projects finished around here and my house is so neat and tidy looking. What is an Aunt to do?

I’ve told them they could come and stay on one condition, that actually my Mom used to do, and that is to make a job jar. The boys totally agreed. I cut strips of paper and on each one, wrote a small chore for them to do for me. Easy stuff, that I really have finished already, but at least it will make them feel included in my projects, instead of me having to entertain them, since I’m pretty busy with the house and spare rooms still.

Another weekend of organizing

It seems I’ve been on a roll when it comes to getting things around my home done. Lots of projects that needed to be done are finished, and if I may say so myself, I’m kind of proud of them.

Last night I started in on the spare bedrooms. I do believe I’m sort of a cleanly hoarder. Everything I have found, bought and stored are in the one little spare room. It’s boxed and neatly stacked, but I really don’t need half of the items.

I figure it’s time to donate lots of thing. I’ve even got separate boxes for things I’m giving to friends who in the past, have admired them.


Cleaning and organizing

Taking this weekend to clean out closest and organize cupboards is turning out to be a bigger task than I had anticipated. I think I’m going to have to go to the stores and find a way to keep things neater and more organized.

Saving more space is my goal. I’ve seen a lot of space saving ideas online, so I might do what I call, “finger shopping” if I can’t find what I’m looking for at the stores.

After the closets and cupboards, come some home improvements that need to have been done quite some time ago. I’m pretty handy with things like that, thanks to my Grandpa and Father teaching me, so I’ll start that once I get organized.

Junk and treasures

I had to laugh at my friend Cheryl who lives in Chicago. When she talked to me and found out I had been cleaning closets, drawers and cupboards, she decided to do the same and then recruited her husband to clean out his garage. I say recruited as a sort of loose term as she actually gave him the ultimatum to either get rid of this junk or go live with it. I know she said this lovingly but actually meant that she indeed wanted the mess cleaned out. Her husband is a hoarder. He will keep anything at all, thinking that one day it will have some kind of a use, or will come in handy. That day never comes and it drives my poor friend somewhat nuttier that she already is.

Lately for some reason I have been watching this show on television about actual hoarders. Cheryl’s husband isn’t as bad as some of those people I’ve seen on the series. Far from it, but he still has a garage full of junk and I don’t even think he wants it that cluttered and messy anymore. I told Cheryl about this show and she got the idea (after she had gave that big hint to her husband) about Appliance Removal Chicago. I guess from what she had said, he keeps appliances in the garage thinking he is going to fix them up and then sell them for a few bucks. This is actually never the case.

I’m wondering how the clean up is going to go this coming week, but at least there will be help with some of the removal of the items!


Where I live, there is what is called “The Free Store”. People drop off donations of everything from household items, clothes and just about anything in gently used condition. They are only open one day a week and it gives the less fortunate people a chance to get some items for themselves and family. I cleaned out my closets, drawers and cupboards this week and didn’t realize how much stuff I have accumulated. I thought about having a garage sale, but then also remembered the hassle of my last one. It just wasn’t worth it. I also thought about giving the items to one of the used stores in the area, who’s name I won’t mention here, but I once did that and saw a shirt I had donated (which I had gotten new for 4.00) marked with a 6.00 price tag.  I didn’t like the fact that these people had jacked up the price like that in a second hand store. So, I have all my things bagged and boxed up and am taking it to the free store today. This way, at least maybe someone will get good use out of the items and not have to pay for them, as I was giving them away in the first place.

Muddy floors.

Okay, after a week of rain with no respite in sight, I’m really tired of cleaning up muddy floors. I have a big HUGH welcome mat outside the door. And on the inside in the foyer, I have a big wipe your feet rug, along with a basket of soft footie socks for people to put on if they want them. All sizes. All I ask is, take the damn shoes off at the door. I even have a nice wooden and painted sign that asks nicely to do so. Do people do this? Very few. So…I’m sort of on the verge of not answering my door anymore. Or at least until some people get the hint. Okay…rant is over. For now. 😉

Weekend plans.

I know I have to work a bit over the weekend and I also want to go check out some plants and seeds for my gardens. My blogging friends are all a buzz about plans for theirs and we are comparing ideas, sharing thoughts and as well as my friends, all interested in the straw bale gardening idea my dear friend told me about that I’m going to try. It all should be quite interesting. Like most my friends, who are fortunate enough to still have our Moms alive, we will go to visit them. Lately I’ve been entertaining the thought of what it would be like to be a mom. It comes and goes though. I want to be absolutely sure and ready if ever I decide to settle down and have a child. Still, it’s not like I don’t want kids. I do. But in this world of such disasters, and chaos, and also such hard times, should I bring a little one into the world? I don’t know. So…my weekend is going to be full. I also have to get around to cleaning this house, both inside and out. I’m such a procrastinator sometimes. Happy weekend, to All!

What a mess!!

My poor girlfriend who lives in Texas called with great (sarcasm inserted) news on her end. She flooded. Not only did the rain they had do it, but one of the pipes in the bathroom sprung a leak that wasn’t tiny. From what she said, it looked like a literal fountain spraying up and as an extra bonus, a mega waterfall, that not only got the bathroom carpet soaked, but also spilled out into her living room.

Now picture this: She has light tan carpet in the bathroom and off white Berber,  in the living room, along with these beautiful oriental rugs that cost her a mint. She also has two cocker spaniels, who are quite rowdy. (to say the least). Like the sometime ditz she is, and I do use that term affectionately, and love her to death, but sometimes she doesn’t think… Especially in a situation where she is totally experiencing a virtual disaster. Okay, so she heard the dogs at the door whining, and yep…let them in. Yes, though the rain had stopped, SHE didn’t stop to think that it might be a bit muddy outside??? LOL! (sure, I can laugh because I no doubt would have done the same thing, as my cocker is the son of hers and he’s my baby).

Imagine two muddy dogs, running around like they are on a pure sugar buzz, on a already soaked carpet and rugs. The way she was telling me this, had me laughing hysterically, because she has this deep Texan accent and when she has a story to tell or something major happening, she barely stops to take a breath, and tells it in total minute detail. Long story, (believe me) short,  apparently the mud from the dogs, mixed in with the water on the floors had turned a deep gray and brown. Ick! She told me about calling a place named Carpet cleaning Marble Falls, then said “I love you” and just…hung up. I sat there with the phone in my hand, looking at it, and shaking my head. She of course loves her carpet, so apparently she knows a place that will help with this disaster. I’m waiting to hear back from her. LOL!