A new camera

My favorite camera, an older Pentax, stopped working and I’m really bummed out about it. It looks like I’m going to have to break down and buy another camera this week. I carried the Pentax around with me where ever I went so I wouldn’t miss a cool or beautiful shot for a picture. I can honestly say, I don’t like digital cameras because of the hesitation right before clicking a photo. I’ve missed so many really good moments.

Summers part way over

My brother has been in the Air Force in Europe for about 30 years now. He married a very charming and wonderful Dutch woman and they have two daughters who are now in collage age. It is kind of sad that in all this time I have only met them a few times, but when my brother is on leave, because despite of the discount enlisted men get on airfare, he usually visits by himself or he and my sister in law usually just come alone as the girls are off on their own holiday or have other plans that keep them in Europe. I do however keep in nearly constant contact with my nieces through the internet and also by the “old fashion way” by writing real letters. I see photos of them all the time and they are beautiful girls, both inside and out. I’m proud of the way my brother and his wife have raised them. It is totally a different way than in the US and it seems these two girls have very level heads on their shoulders.

My oldest niece Meeka will be continuing her studies in Amsterdam where she will be staying with her grandma, as my brother is now stationed in Germany. She is into art and I have seen her work over the years. She just continues to get better as her talents develop more and more. She had before mentioned trying out collages in the States, one in particular was Walden University.

While Meeka was looking at all the various information about collages, my younger niece was also thinking about where she would go. She is a bit more adventurous that her sister and would love to come to the states for school. She mentioned to me that Walden U ed had opportunities  for scholarships and she was interested in checking out online schools as well but my brother nixed that idea. I’m not sure where the girls will actually be going but it sure would be great if at least one of them came to the States so I could see them more.

A new tattoo!

Yes folks, I tend to like skin illustrations, as sometimes they are called. They say that tattoo’s are habit forming and I am here to tell you that they are. A friend of mine is visiting from Oregon and owns three tattoo shops there. He is good at his “craft” and a wonderful artist. I figure if I’m to get another one, I would rather have him tattoo me, since I trust him fully and have watched him in action, so to speak. So, the time as come for another one. Once it is done, I will post a photo. I’m thinking about getting something on the Celtic side, with maybe a rose or something inked in. We will see. I’ve been kicking it around for a long time, so I won’t regret it later on. I can’t wait to visit with my friend also. We haven’t seen one another in a very long time. It should be a great visit, and I’m really looking forward to it. 🙂