The Illusionist

Folks, though this is an older movie, (I didn’t know it was.) some of you may have seen it. If not, I highly recommend it. I’m a movie freak, of course. But I am totally critical, from the costuming down to little things that I catch out of sync. This movie, is a must see. I had to watch it twice, matter of fact.

The Illusionist

Fact of the matter is, for some reason my ability to post the video isn’t working. But click and see if this works for you!

Gonna snuggle in for the night!

Nooo Silly’s… NOT with a guy. LOL! (Course, I did have one in mind, but…I’d feel sort of obligated in a chick type way to do the shave the legs, wash the hair, yada, yada, type stuff that I don’t feel like doing.) I just got a new comforter which is totally cozy, hence my name for blankies and comforters I love. It’s still early, but I’m going to jump in a hot bath, then put on sweats, pull my hair into a braid and plug in a movie.
My “kid” sister told me I HAD to watch the movie called, The Illusionist. I’ve got a six pack and some munchies and this will be my Friday night. I’ll update on the movie. Have a great weekend all!

Garden Idea

Oh the wonders of the internet. I had heard from a friend about straw bale gardening. She told me that she’d never tried it and really didn’t have the time to start a new project. Me? I say… Bring ‘er on!! I think that I have read darn near everything I can find on this subject and I’m ready to go for it! Just because. Give me a way to garden and I’m right on it! Since I have a guy friend who owns a farm and I work out there now and then like barter system type work, I have access to the bales of straw and extra twine…name it! I’m really looking forward to it. I have ten bales of straw out in the back yard now, and itching for warm enough weather so I can go out and play.

Ahhh Sunshine!

It’s been a totally glorious day today. I even caught a bit of a suntan!! Got a full dose of Vitamin D and Melatonin, plus felt great!! I putzed in the yard and sat in the sun making plans for which flowers and such, I wanted to plant where. Tomorrow it will no doubt so something funny and get cold and snow again, but at least for today, I was in 7th Heaven!! Sunshine is great for the health and soul!

Old Friends

A good friend of mine from when I went to high school found my blog and sent me an email last night. It was a very nice surprise to hear from Alicia after all these years and I can’t wait to call her tonight and catch up on what’s she been doing.

Alicia and I used to walk the whole mile and a quarter together from our houses to the junior high. She lived two blocks from my house and right on the way to school, so I would meet her at her front door every morning and have someone nice to talk to while we walked. Sometimes I miss those days!